NBA All-Star Weekend in HD


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Dec 20, 2003
I saw on another site that the NBA All-Star events will be available on Dish's HD Event channel. How do you get access to this channel? Each time I go to it the price says $0.00 but it won't allow me to obtain the channel. Right now I have AT 120 and the HD pack with my locals throught Dish, should I be getting this channel? Or do I need to add something else to my package to obtain this channel?
I think that when it is on tomorrow night, it will be there no problem.. That channel is meant as an HD special events channel & most of thos are PPV. When something like this, that is free, comes up, this is how Dish's system works. Nothing to order since it sill be free, but the guide picks it up as a future PPV event. Wait til tomorrow, it will be fine.

Signed up w/ E* from D*.....

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