Need SciFiHD like MonstersHD


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 8, 2004
Wish they would keep with the themes and offer a SCIFIHD channel similar to MonstersHD.

That would be insane!!!
Especially with the Stargates and Battlestar Galactica coming back in the summer and fall....

Universal HD has Galactica, but SonyMGM owns Stargate,so that won't be going there anytime soon (They may wind up putting some old Buck Rogers or Battlestar Galactica:TOS there).
I gave up "Battlestar Galactica" in HD to come to E*. One things for certain--I miss my UHD!!! In short, I wholeheartedly concur...there should be a SciFiHD channel. With this weeks finale of Enterprise, there is a huuuge empty space in what seems to be perfectly suited HD programming, science fiction/fantasy. Besides sports/event programming, I can't think of better eye candy with wow factor AND broad appeal that would seem a natural fit for HDTV.
HD is becoming the new standard, so you can bet that at some point SciFi Channels will go HD. The sooner, the better, of course!

If a channels ever screamed to be in HD, it's SciFi.

Shoudl I qualify for CBS-HD in the Boston area?

dishnetwork 322

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