New 522 Menu


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
May 21, 2004
Went to watch CSI last night late and noticed I had VOD menu items on the DVR screen. How is this going to work with the 522's puny 100gb drive?
Went to watch CSI last night late and noticed I had VOD menu items on the DVR screen. How is this going to work with the 522's puny 100gb drive?


It won't change a thing. Dish reserved some space on your hard drive along time ago. The reserved space was never counted toward your recording time.

Well that is pretty dern cool. I hope they have some cool movies and shows to watch. Any idea when they are going to let us use the VOD stuff?
Don't get your hopes up......

All the VOD (on the 622) that I've see so far really suck! Have never seen a movie (of the massive 2-3 movies available at any one time) that's worth even 30 unrecoverable minutes of my life - let alone 2 hrs.
If the only difference between the 522 and 625 is the partition for VOD, where are they going on the 522? Do they reduce the capacity?

I have 30 minute free shows and 1 movie ('Slither'). I have no use for the entire concept, let alone the content currently available. Doesn't standard DVR functionality provide 'Video on Demand'?
Is there any way to skip that "extra" menu? I have ZERO use for those other options. I want the old behaviour... push the DVR button once (not twice!), and get your list of recorded shows.

If someone has a hack or menu setting somewhere that will return the old behaviour to the DVR button, please post it!
If the only difference between the 522 and 625 is the partition for VOD, where are they going on the 522? Do they reduce the capacity?
They set aside "x" amount of space for "user recordings" and "y" amount of space for VOD. It apparently has been this way ever since the 522 was released. They advertised '100 hours' or whatever it is and that's still the case. What will piss people off is that VOD space, unavailable to customers, could give them ad add'l 10-20 or more hours. They'll feel ripped off or something.... Point is, Dish says "100 hours" and you get ~100 hours.
Is there any way to skip that "extra" menu? I have ZERO use for those other options. I want the old behaviour... push the DVR button once (not twice!), and get your list of recorded shows.
Hah ! Someone posted elsewhere that people would complain about having to hit the button twice vs once. Get over it... The 622 worked that way for a while, hitting the button once to get your DVR list, but in 2 days you'll learn to just tap it twice quickly.
If someone has a hack or menu setting somewhere that will return the old behaviour to the DVR button, please post it!
No menu settings.... Are there ANY hacks for Dish receivers ??
Has anyone else noticed a problem with video/audio sync on recorded shows since the VOD option was enabled? This used to be a problem early on with the 522's but Dish got it fixed. Perhaps it's just a fluke, but I noticed it a couple of times tonight watching CSI:Miami recorded on Monday.
It sucks that we now have to press the DVR button twice to access our shows. They should make an option to where we only need to press it once but I do not see that happening.

CC on NPS/AAD Distants

E* announces Video on Demand Deal with New Line Cinema