New Bundeled Prices for the 721

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Claude Greiner

SatelliteGuys Master
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Sep 8, 2003
Detroit - The Paris of the Midwest
We just lowered the price for the 721 to $465 which includes FREE Shipping. In addition we are pleased to introduce new bundeled pricing which includes several various switch configurations at a very attractive price point.....

721 Stand Alone Receiver with FREE SHipping $465

721 Stand Alone Receiver with DP 34 Switch and FREE SHipping $549.99

721 Stand Alone Receiver with DP Quad LNBF and FREE Shipping $569.99

721 Stand Alone Receiver with DP 34, Dishpro Twin LNBF and FREE Shipping $574.99

Stand Alone 721 Receiver with Legacy Quad LNBF and FREE Shipping $590.00
I am just curious . Are the 721s discontinued or not? It seems ya'll are discounting the prices of the 721 to move them out. Have you heard any different than Scott did about Dish and SBC using the 721 as one of their basic dual tuner receivers with possible internet access? Any answers would be appreciated.
It was to be discontuined, but I guess someone at Dish figure out if they did do that they would have no dial tuner DVR for sale, since the 522 is not ready yet (Once the 522 has Dial / Single mode - Which can make the 522 act just like a 721) then I expect the 721 to be discontinues.

At the moment the 721 is alive! And for the most part its a VERY stable receiver. :D
I also think the 721 is a great receiver, I just wish it had two tv outputs as the 522 has. I am sure that someone could modify it to do that but then the software would not be capable of handeling it unless you put the 522 software into it as well which seems more complicated and more work than what it is worth unless you really like the interface.
If I didn't have to climb into my attic to run another line, or better yet, if they ever release the DP44 switch, I would jump all over this.

Who knows, I still may!
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