New direct customer , any options for g4tv?

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Nov 4, 2007
Just dropped dish after 5 years and I'm going to direct. The only bad thing is the lack of g4tv. Does anyone stream it online or is there another source for it?

I went through the same pain. There are a number of people, myself included, who would hand Comcast money if they would just take it in exchange for full AOTS episodes in HD. Apparently they don't want my money.

If it is AOTS you are interested in, they do post clips (which make up the majority of the show) online every day: Attack of the Show Episode Guide -

Side Note: If you are an RSS kinda guy, I've created an RSS feed that will pump the episodes into your reader each day: Attack of the Show
Thanks for the replies. Mainly need it for attack of the show and Xplay. I found some stuff on hulu as well.
i would dump directv if you can,and go back to has signed a long term contract to keep g4tv on their system.i have also realized that dish networks 722 dvr receiver runs rings around directvs hr34 receiver.i would call dish network and ask them how you can switch back and what offers you could take advantage of,providing you left them on good terms.
Beagle said:
i have also realized that dish networks 722 dvr receiver runs rings around directvs hr34 receiver.

I would think you mean the HR24, as the HR34 is just out, that is definitely a matter of opinion and not fact, I find I like the HR24 as good if not better than the 722k. Additionally with 5 tuners, I think that the HR34 would "run rings around" the 722k or 922.
Yeah, I'm not impressed with the 722 I've had to have 3 of them replaced. Also my wife loves cooking and style and those both require the highest level channel package. I'll miss G4, but It's not worth the extra expense.
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