New DISH Network Package Eliminates Equipment Cost

Scott Greczkowski

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Sep 7, 2003
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New DISH Network Package Eliminates Equipment Cost, Commitment; Low Price Includes Local Channels, Free Installation

ENGLEWOOD, Colo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Jan. 8, 2004--EchoStar Communications Corp. (Nasdaq:DISH) today unveiled a promotional package designed to eliminate equipment costs and make it even easier for TV viewers to sign up with DISH Network's satellite service.

The new Digital Home Advantage plan, available Feb. 1 to new customers, will make the lowest-priced, all-digital package available with free equipment, free installation and free local channels where available for $29.99 per month, for up to two TVs. That price on the America's Top 50 package represents a $5 savings off the most comparable previous plan.

Further underscoring the value to customers, DISH Network has changed the name of the AT 50 package to America's Top 60, reflecting the number of channels added to the package over the years. Likewise, America's Top 100 now becomes America's Top 120, while America's Top 150 becomes America's Top 180.

Under the new Digital Home Advantage plan, AT 120 customers will pay $39.99 per month and AT 180 customers will pay $49.99 per month, with the same terms of free equipment, free installation, free local channels, and no long-term commitment.

The Digital Home Advantage plan also accommodates customers who want satellite TV service in more than two rooms. For instance, an AT 60 customer can watch different, crystal clear satellite channels at the same time in up to four different rooms for as little as $34.99 a month.

Customers under the DHA plan can use the equipment as long as they have DISH Network service. They can cancel at any time without a penalty, as long as they return the equipment undamaged.

DHA is supported by DISH Network's most advanced satellite receiver offerings, including the DISH 111, DISH 311, and DISH Player-DVR 510 as well as the new family of dual-tuner receivers, the DISH 322 and DISH Player-DVR 522; and the DISH 811 high definition receiver.

The DVR 522 is a two-TV output satellite receiver and integrated digital video recorder (DVR), providing the unique ability to record two shows simultaneously in two rooms.

About EchoStar Communications

EchoStar Communications Corporation (Nasdaq:DISH) serves over 9 million satellite TV customers through its DISH Network(TM), and is a leading U.S. provider of advanced digital television services. DISH Network's services include hundreds of video and audio channels, Interactive TV, HDTV, sports and international programming, together with professional installation and 24-hour customer service. DISH Network is the leader in the sale of digital video recorders (DVRs). Visit EchoStar's DISH Network at or call 1-800-333-DISH (3474).

CONTACT: EchoStar Communications Corp.
Steve Caulk, 303-723-2010

SOURCE: EchoStar Communications Corp.
This new pricing does not appear to effect current subscribers who own their equipment - only new customers who wish to lease (based on news release). True? If true, then we do not yet know if there will be a change to our pricing and, if changed, what it will be.
Current top 150 price, $42.99. Locals, $5.99. That leaves $2 for equipment. Maybe prices won't go up afterall.
I am an existing customer and have been told (twice - my annual renewal is about here) that my AT150 will go up $2 (to $44.99) if I switch to monthly. There is a AT150 plus locals package of $49.99, but if you want the $3 price on superstations (with locals) or the HBO/Cinemax deal (packaged with AT150) you can not do the $49.99 package and also take advantage of one or both of these other deals. So a $ 2 increase for a lot of us - $1 if all you want is AT150 plus locals. For me, cable (plus cable modem) is starting to look a little more competative for a change. Decisions, decisions.

Do not see what a press release on leasing has to do with existing customers, except the locals plus AT150 is the same either way.
Anthony2 said:
This new pricing does not appear to effect current subscribers who own their equipment - only new customers who wish to lease (based on news release). True? If true, then we do not yet know if there will be a change to our pricing and, if changed, what it will be.
It really isn't that good of a deal. The only difference is the introduction of dual tuner receivers that allow the elimination of "second receiver fees" for phone line connected units. Existing subscribers can't get the x22 models yet.

justalurker said:
Anthony2 said:
This new pricing does not appear to effect current subscribers who own their equipment - only new customers who wish to lease (based on news release). True? If true, then we do not yet know if there will be a change to our pricing and, if changed, what it will be.
It really isn't that good of a deal. The only difference is the introduction of dual tuner receivers that allow the elimination of "second receiver fees" for phone line connected units. Existing subscribers can't get the x22 models yet.


No! the new DHA plan is more then getting a two tuner receiver and no mirror fee, with the old DHP lease plan you payed an extra $5/mo lease for that first receiver, with DHA their is no monthly lease charge on that first receiver, period for either tuner. New DHA lease subs will now pay the same or less monthly fee then us current subs that own are equipment, it is now a better deal for new subs to lease with DHA then to purchase their equipment. Another big advantage to DHA over past purchase or lease promos from E* is that their is no commitment for a year as before, if they decide to drop E* service below AT60 or DL, they are simply required to return equipment to E* with no penalty, this is a great deal for new subs, does not do anything for us current subs though :shrug:.
It really isn't that good of a deal. The only difference is the introduction of dual tuner receivers that allow the elimination of "second receiver fees" for phone line connected units. Existing subscribers can't get the x22 models yet.

For new customers, its a good deal. Its a $5 reduction from DHP with no long term commitment. We look forward to its introduction, because it should spike our sales.
drjake said:
It really isn't that good of a deal. The only difference is the introduction of dual tuner receivers that allow the elimination of "second receiver fees" for phone line connected units. Existing subscribers can't get the x22 models yet.

For new customers, its a good deal. Its a $5 reduction from DHP with no long term commitment. We look forward to its introduction, because it should spike our sales.

Do you know how hard it will be for people to qualify for DHA? My old boss never liked DHP because it was hard for many people to qualify for, he said people had to have perfect credit to qualify any one with even just a little less then perfect credit would be turned down.
Sounds like a special deal only to the highest qualified customers that have less risk than customers that would not pass or take a credit score. Bad news for retailers as consumers will want the sets turned off before the chargeback period ends causing the retailer to lose most if not all commissions, sometimes even lose money when having to pay to get them installed and overhead. It also affects their CRP rating in which if a retailer gets too many backcharges (too high of a percentage) then he must pay $100 more for each receiver purchased and he already has to pay retail plus shipping.

When retailers start getting more chargebacks as a result they will quit doing the promotion altogether or require them to sign a contract through them, some will quit doing it or require the contract through them from the get go.

Also those on the DHA would actually be paying $5 less than consumers saving them $10 per month compared to what they were paying before if they took the AT50 package. Before if you wanted AT50 and locals it would be $29.99 a month plus $4.99 lease fee and $4.99 additional outlet fee for a total of $39.97 and now they can get it for $29.99 thats $10 less than before, $5 less than those that do not take the DHA plan, plus no cost upfront. Sounds like a sweet deal for the consumer if they can qualify. This is looking more like the cable company all the time not requiring up front money for hardware except for the qualifications required.
OK, it's $5 better and no committment better than DHP. I didn't know about the rental fee. :)

Q: If you get 301's instead of a 322, is it still the same $29.99? Since E* controls what they lease they should provide 322's or give that price if they provide 311's or 111's. Or is this going to become another 811 issue where you must have an 811 to get the service, but if availability is a problem you are SOL?

So if you opt for a 522, is there a $5 dvr fee with this program?
what if you get a 510 and a 301, any dvr fee then?
Trying to read between the lines of the release, there seems to be room for a dvr fee.

Anyone know for sure?
Yes, there is a $5 DVR fee with the 522 and/or 510 unless you subscribe to the AEP package.

If you get two 301/311's you will pay the additional outlet fee of $4.99 for the second 301/311. You wouldn't on the 322/522 for the second tuner if the phone line is plugged in seeing how both tuners are built into the one receiver.

Memphis Spot Beam

Any hidden penalties for early termination of Dish Service?

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