New Feature - Show of your setup!

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Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
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Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Show off your setup!

SatelliteGuys give YOU the chance to show off your Home Theater Setup!

Got a great big setup? Show it off!
Got a starter setup? Show it off!

We want to see your setup!

With our new vBHomeTheater you can show off your setup to the world!

You can attach up to 12 photos of your setup plus you can give a full description of all your components that make your home theater rock!

Other SatelliteGuys members can comment on your setup and can also off you advice on how to get more out of your setup!

(You can also edit / add your theater in the user control panel)

This another exciting new feature from your friends at SatelliteGuys.US!!
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