I just received this email from Tivo. Now you can get an HD Tivo and connect it to a D* receiver and avoid the HR20, which is getting crappy reviews on this site.
TiVo Subscriber Newsletter | Volume 91
Letter from the Editor
I promised a "defining" moment last newsletter and that moment has arrived: The TiVo® Series3™ HD Digital Media Recorder is here! Welcome to High Definition Heaven...
You can read more of the exciting details on this incredible box below, but first, as a TiVo subscriber who currently owns a TiVo box with Product Lifetime service, we want to thank you for your loyalty with a very special offer--an exception to a rule when you buy the NEW TiVo Series3 HD box. For a limited time, transfer your Product Lifetime service from a Series1 or Series2 box to the new Series3 HD for only $199. As an added bonus, we'll keep TiVo service activated on your old box for another 12 months for no additional charge.
I'm fairly certain you realize Product Lifetime service is no longer a payment option for new TiVo service activations, so let's be very clear: This truly is VIP pricing for VIP customers--a one-time Upgrade Offer for our most loyal subscribers. And only our most loyal subscribers. This is huge. I'd do it if I were you.
Read on, watch the Showcase video ready-and-waiting on TiVo Central, and get ready to rock your home theater with the highest qualty, high-definition entertainment experience possible. Only with TiVo.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go shopping: It's finally time to get myself an HD television!
Series3ly yours,
P.S. It's a limited first run, so hurry—snag one of your own before the holiday madness! There's been great (pent-up, is probably the word) demand for the TiVo Series3™ HD, so we want subscribers to have first dibs! And spread the word with friends by sending them this youtube.com link (Since it's a red-carpet announcement, I'm wearing exactly what I wore to the Emmy® awards...).
Table of Contents
Spotlight's on… TiVo Series3™ HD DVR
See CBS's "The Class" First with TiVo!
TiVo Rewards
Oh, Fantasy Football Fanatics…
Eureka! Find Great Entetainment with Colin Ferguson
Most-Recorded Shows
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About This Newsletter
TiVo Hotlinks
Spotlight's on... TiVo Series3™ HD DVR
And I thought TiVo was beloved before. Now you can experience the true definition of HD with the very-top-of-the-line sound, highest-quality picture, and the Emmy® award-winning TiVo service all in one incredible box.
Up to 32 hrs HD programming storage (300 hours in standard definition)
Dual tuners so you can record 2 digital cable shows at once*
World's only DVR with THX® certification maintains all the detail found in the original broadcast, both in sound and picture
High-quality front panel display shows what's being recorded even when the TV is off
Backlit TiVo remote (see, we hear you!), easy to configure to your TV
World's quietest DVR (after all, silence is golden when it comes to theater)
Watch the TiVo Series3 HD Showcase video (look for the menu item with the TiVo logo on TiVo Central) to get the full picture.
* Also compatible with analog cable and over-the-air digital HD (ATSC).
2 CableCARD decoders required (available from your cable provider).
TiVo Subscriber Newsletter | Volume 91
Letter from the Editor
I promised a "defining" moment last newsletter and that moment has arrived: The TiVo® Series3™ HD Digital Media Recorder is here! Welcome to High Definition Heaven...
You can read more of the exciting details on this incredible box below, but first, as a TiVo subscriber who currently owns a TiVo box with Product Lifetime service, we want to thank you for your loyalty with a very special offer--an exception to a rule when you buy the NEW TiVo Series3 HD box. For a limited time, transfer your Product Lifetime service from a Series1 or Series2 box to the new Series3 HD for only $199. As an added bonus, we'll keep TiVo service activated on your old box for another 12 months for no additional charge.
I'm fairly certain you realize Product Lifetime service is no longer a payment option for new TiVo service activations, so let's be very clear: This truly is VIP pricing for VIP customers--a one-time Upgrade Offer for our most loyal subscribers. And only our most loyal subscribers. This is huge. I'd do it if I were you.
Read on, watch the Showcase video ready-and-waiting on TiVo Central, and get ready to rock your home theater with the highest qualty, high-definition entertainment experience possible. Only with TiVo.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I must go shopping: It's finally time to get myself an HD television!
Series3ly yours,
P.S. It's a limited first run, so hurry—snag one of your own before the holiday madness! There's been great (pent-up, is probably the word) demand for the TiVo Series3™ HD, so we want subscribers to have first dibs! And spread the word with friends by sending them this youtube.com link (Since it's a red-carpet announcement, I'm wearing exactly what I wore to the Emmy® awards...).
Table of Contents
Spotlight's on… TiVo Series3™ HD DVR
See CBS's "The Class" First with TiVo!
TiVo Rewards
Oh, Fantasy Football Fanatics…
Eureka! Find Great Entetainment with Colin Ferguson
Most-Recorded Shows
Need Help?
Fan Mail
Forward to a Friend
About This Newsletter
TiVo Hotlinks
Spotlight's on... TiVo Series3™ HD DVR
And I thought TiVo was beloved before. Now you can experience the true definition of HD with the very-top-of-the-line sound, highest-quality picture, and the Emmy® award-winning TiVo service all in one incredible box.
Up to 32 hrs HD programming storage (300 hours in standard definition)
Dual tuners so you can record 2 digital cable shows at once*
World's only DVR with THX® certification maintains all the detail found in the original broadcast, both in sound and picture
High-quality front panel display shows what's being recorded even when the TV is off
Backlit TiVo remote (see, we hear you!), easy to configure to your TV
World's quietest DVR (after all, silence is golden when it comes to theater)
Watch the TiVo Series3 HD Showcase video (look for the menu item with the TiVo logo on TiVo Central) to get the full picture.
* Also compatible with analog cable and over-the-air digital HD (ATSC).
2 CableCARD decoders required (available from your cable provider).