Newb Question


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Feb 27, 2006
Livonia, Michigan
I dont understand all this techniacal talk, but what is a good signal level, How do check it, how do I make it better, and can I even do any of this?

MY HD CHannels seem a bit stuttery this afternoon.
If you are having problems with a specific channel. Tune to that channel, go to the point dish screen, the reading will be for the channel you are on. Strength of 50 will give a picture, but the higher the better. You didn't state with sat you are looking at and what area you are in. If your locals are on either 110 or 119, you should be over 100. 61.5 should be high 90's or better. Depending on you area, 129 is considered good if close to 80. Really need more info to help you better.
Im in Southeast Michigan. Sorry I just dont know what else to tell you.
I dont even know how to check the signal strength..
To check signal strength, tune to whatever channel. Then using the remote press the "Menu" button. Then go to "System Set-up" then to "Point Dish" On most receivers this is "Menu+6+1+1.

When you do this the receiver will show you the signal level for the transponder that channel is on. You can then check all the other transponders and satellites. It also tells you about your switches.

See ya
Do what Tony said and also note which Satellite it shows, 119,129,61.5 etc. The more info we get the better we can help.


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