Newbie - Strategy / Config question


New Member
Original poster
Dec 4, 2003
Just ordered the new customer deal from DishStore and I'm hoping for some advice. Here are my thoughts:

HDTV downstairs so I'm getting the 811.
Have two upstairs televisions to hook up SD.
Would like the bedroom to have PVR.
Want to own.

Because I want to own, the DHP 811, PVR, 301 deal won't work for me (unless anyone can sell me on borrowing equipment).

To get an 811 and two 301's requires a two year commitment and I'd eventually buy a 508 or something and swap one 301 out anyway.

Does it make sense to go with a one year commitment, an 811 and a 301 and then buy a 508 or 510? Can I just hook up the 508 and pay the additional box charge each month?

Also, I plan to set up for local channels right away for the extra dish (want HBO HD). Since all of my locals broadcast digital OTA, I'd then drop local programming and pick it up with the 811's OTA. This make sense?

My head's swimming with all of this stuff right now. Everyone here has already made a big difference in understanding it all. Thanks for your help.

Noodles said:
Have two upstairs televisions to hook up SD.
Would like the bedroom to have PVR.
Want to own.
I cannot tell from your description how many additional TVs you have, or how many of them would be in use at the same time.

For a PVR the 522 might be just the ticket - it can drive two TVs and you will only pay one 'mirror' (additional receiver) fee.
Sorry. The bedroom is one of the two upstairs TVs. Highly unlikely they would ever be used at the same time.


Your idea for the 811 will work just as you pictured it.I did
the same thing when I got my 6000,ordered my locals to pick
up my 61.5 extra dish so I could get HBO-HD and SHO-HD,after
a couple of months cancelled the locals.I now get all my locals
OTA digital with the 6000.Enjoy the HD. :p

921 monthly fees (?)

DVI dual link or single link??

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