
Scott Greczkowski

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Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
I have received some buzz from my contacts who tell me talk with Viacom are going along better now. And that we should expect to see Nicktoons on Dish in the future.

Nothing has been signed yet, but this channel has been one of the main sticking points.

My feeling is if Charlie can add BingoTV, 2 Shopping Channels and 1 Porn Channel plus raise my rates he can add Nicktoons.

Can't wait to see an official press release for this one.
Scott Greczkowski said:
My feeling is if Charlie can add BingoTV, 2 Shopping Channels and 1 Porn Channel plus raise my rates he can add Nicktoons.

Can't wait to see an official press release for this one.

LOL. Scott thats silly. It wont cost anymore to add Nicktoons - they just need to share a channel like Bravo /IFC used to do on Dish.

My proposal:

8am-11am----Shopping Channel 1
11-2pm-------Shopping Channel 2
2-5pm---------Bingo TV

Remember parents: careful channel surfing would prevent - er mishaps.
I suppose it will be great for the kids that love NickToons to be able to watch them during the evening as the cartoons that they show are different than those being shown on Cartoon Network or Boomerang and even Toon Disney.
Scott Greczkowski said:
Can't wait to see an official press release for this one.

:cool: E* Impersonation Mode
Dish Network, the leader in local TV via satellite and HD, is pleased to announce the Superbowl on CBS and addition of a new channel "NickToons".

"We fought long and hard to add NickToons" said Charlie Ergen, president and visionary of Dish Network. "We are happy to announce that not only have we secured rights to continue to carry CBS programming, including the Superbowl, but will will be providing our customers with another programming option for children of all ages."
I wanted a Cartoon channel where two pr0n people selling stuff are playing Bingo. At least that what I requested from Dish last year. I don't know about you all, but I think Dish Delivers!
LOL Nice! I presume you are a Hollywood producer, right?

Cyclone said:
I wanted a Cartoon channel where two pr0n people selling stuff are playing Bingo. At least that what I requested from Dish last year. I don't know about you all, but I think Dish Delivers!
On the topic of channel addition rumors.

It seems that Bravo HD+ is coming to DISH Network, but there are issues as to where they will be placing the channel. My contact with the programmer has become rather dismayed at the structure within DISH Network over the last several months. When I was first in contact with her, she was so excited about DISH and their goals for HD, but that has now passed. All she will say is that it will be sometime soon and when pressed she said by spring.
wileadams said:
It seems that Bravo HD+ is coming to DISH Network, but there are issues as to where they will be placing the channel. My contact with the programmer has become rather dismayed at the structure within DISH Network over the last several months. When I was first in contact with her, she was so excited about DISH and their goals for HD, but that has now passed. All she will say is that it will be sometime soon and when pressed she said by spring.

Dish did have an HDTV plan, but it got blown out of the water when 105 turned out not to be strong enough to be picked up by superdish nationwide. Now they have a mess since they are throwing up LIL everywhere as fast as possible. Spring is probably when they think they will have some capacity somewhere for HDTV, they are probably working several deals at once to get more capacity and when one works out that will be the HDTV plan, until then no one has any idea.
Bravo HD is definately coming to Dish, this is because of the Olympics.

Denver and Possibly Dallas are being removed from National Transponders and will no longer be Distant Networks so this way they can open up space for more HD Channels.
New satellite going up at 105 this year should solve the problem with it not being able to be picked up nationwide.
Okay, channel placement time....

If and when NickToons gets added, channel 187 is the only family/educational channel available. But just plunking the new channel there would blow the theme structure they have.

A quick fix would be to move TLC to 187 and place NickToons at 178 next to the other three cartoon nets (egads...three cartoon-only networks and a fourth on the way). But TLC has "little kid" programming in the morning and it would be too separated from the rest of the kid's stuff. People with dyslexia like me would never know the difference. they would just think they had an apisode. :)

If I were king of all things E*
Move TNN from channel 168 to channel 139 (next to the other "men's" type channels)

Move Nick Gas from channel 177 to 168 next to the other "tween" channel (at least for half the day) "The N"

Place NickToons on channel 177.

And while we're at it, move The Travel Channel from "siberia" on channel 215 next to the rest of the Discovery Networks on channel 196.
This would displace one of the "WOW" promo channels to 199.

There... :)

See ya


And another thing...SoapNet would move from where it doesn't belong at 188 to channel 113 along with other "women's interest" channels.

This would then allow Pax and ABC Family to move to channels 187 and 188.

So then you would have room for PBS Kids (in my dreams) on channel 180.

And it's just that simple....:D

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