No 811's available


New Member
Original poster
Apr 26, 2004
After signing up for an upgrade of my 6000 in Feb. and receiving a call to make an appointment for this AM, I received a call at 8:20 this AM to inform me that no 811's were available from someone in India. I finally talked to an American who apologized but could not guarantee a date when the 811 would be available. Canceled the order. I am now considering Voom or Comcast.
ssvalina said:
After signing up for an upgrade of my 6000 in Feb. and receiving a call to make an appointment for this AM, I received a call at 8:20 this AM to inform me that no 811's were available from someone in India. I finally talked to an American who apologized but could not guarantee a date when the 811 would be available. Canceled the order. I am now considering Voom or Comcast.

If you're an existing customer you should have sent and e-mail to, those folks get them in a week or so.
I find it really funny that DISH will say they don't have any left, or out of stock (their usual line) yet you call the exec number or e-mail them and they magically appear.
I called that number back a few months ago. I was told it would be AT LEAST 4 months to get an 811. I ended up just buying a used 6000 to get HD...
Ordering nightmares continuing? How is content?


I ordered an 811 in December, and was put off every two weeks until February.

I finally cancelled the order. I had Voom installed last week. (less than 5 days after ordering)

Sounds like Dish has not gotten any better with their business practices.

I am somewhat dissappointed with the SD offerings that come from VOOM.

Can anyone tell me what HD content is actually available for someone on Dish in SW Mississippi instead of what they are promising (and then not delivering the hardware for...) ?

I got my 811 about a month ago. The other day I tried to hook up the optical output to harman kardon reciever, but it wouldn't work so I called dish and told them my problem also told them about the problem I have with it updating info all the time so they sent me a replacement 811. Took 2 days to get here.
My son-in-law ordered an 811 in January. He got a call yesterday from Dish that it was ready to ship.
rad said:
If you're an existing customer you should have sent and e-mail to, those folks get them in a week or so.

I don't think it had to do anything with where you lived because I recently purchased my first HDTV and was currently a Dish customer, and live in the US and called to upgrade to the 811 but was told they were out because of thier recent promotion i.e. new subscribers get a free one, and was put on a waiting list as they are suppose to have some by the middle of May; however your local dish retailer may have some but you would have to pay the full price not the upgrade price and or you can only deal with the reatiler you origianlly signed up with to get the upgrade price.
how to get a 811

:shocked I first requested an 811 through Dish in Feb. After waiting almost two months I took the advice of emailing I explained I have been a customer since 1997 and that a pay annual and I can leave in Aug. I also said that I did wanted a form letter response! I sent that email last Wed then low and behold i get a call on Friday the 30th that not only do they have a 811 for me but they will install it on the 8th. It is really a shame to have to threaten to have action taken!! Also to my amazement I didn't have to prepay for my 811. The only other thing I need advice on is I am interested in another 721 but my original retailer is out of business. Where do i go now?

501 x2
dishplayer (yes i know insane to still have one) :eek:
hmmm... Hope I don't run into any problems. I ordered mine yesterday. They are coming out to install on Saturday. They called to verify the appointment, too.
second 811

ordered 2nd 811 9 weeks ago and was promised that it would be in stock in 6-8 weeks...they just told me yesterday that they have no idea when they are coming in. Cancelled order. Thinking of moving to D*. Hmmmm.
to all of you that ordered 811's I DOUBT YOU WILL GET THEM, although i hope your luck is better than mine. 2 install apointements 2 cancellations, even after assurances the install would go forth even if i had to wiat for the 811's supervisor offered to install sd stb i even agreed to see what they had to offer until the hd box was available. DISH HAS NOTHING TO OFFER ME
Well, I am happy to report, E* came through with me today. They installed it just the way I wanted it. As I only got the 811, I want to backfeed my 508 for recording from another TV (I currently feed my bedroom and gameroom off the same unit). I don't get the CBS-HD feed, as I only have a Dish500.

I was scared for a bit, as the tech didn't receive the overall details for his installs today. So, I had to tell him which receiver and what the overall install was. However, for $149 they installed a Quad LNBF (had just a twin), setup my 811 (Well, I set it up, but they ran the extra cable feed) and delivered the receiver. And like I said, I ordered mine of 5/5.

And to top things off, I bought an elcheapo Phillips amplified VHF/UHF antenna for $16 and I get about 90% on my local channels..

Pretty dang happy so far..

For those who are still awaiting their receiver, I am sorry to hear about it... but mine came when delivered.

Other comments (initial impressions with the 811), the guide is soooo much faster.. I did get 265 with the download today. The remote is a bit different, so far I like it.

Anyway, I am sorry to hear about your situation, Stevesmall..
stevesmall said:
to all of you that ordered 811's I DOUBT YOU WILL GET THEM, although i hope your luck is better than mine. 2 install apointements 2 cancellations, even after assurances the install would go forth even if i had to wiat for the 811's supervisor offered to install sd stb i even agreed to see what they had to offer until the hd box was available. DISH HAS NOTHING TO OFFER ME

Same with me. 2 appointments and 2 cancellations even after contacting
rjruby said:
Same with me. 2 appointments and 2 cancellations even after contacting

Just had a voicemail and email from Dish, they are by-passing the "professional" installation of the 811 and shipping one directly to me which is what I prefer.

I'll keep my fingers crossed to see if they really come through.
Dish Network subtracted $49.00 dollars from my ATM this morning. I'm scheduled for a Friday install, which includes the 811.

When I placed my order last Saturday, customer service said they had plenty of 811's in stock.

All I can say, is they better not cancel on me at the last second.

Have a great evening,
Millbrae, Ca
I ordered HD in a box on Friday 2-20-04, the install was supposed to be on the following Monday, then they called me four hours before the install and said they were out of the 811's, then I e-mailed, and like many of you said by that Friday I got a call from the installer saying they will be there the next Monday. How did they get that receiver so quick!
Well I have tken the advice of many of you and emailed the CEO to gripe about not being able to get an 811. It looks as thought some of the issues were fixed as some of the forum members said earlier today by P266, I will let you know what reply I get if any.

Did you receive any email reply or simply a phone call?
protoboard said:
Did you receive any email reply or simply a phone call?

I received a phone call that was on my answering machine and also a followup email.

Yesterday, I was emailed the UPS tracking number for the 811 they're sending to me directly from Colorado, bypassing the "professional" installation that I didn't want or need anyway. Should have it early next week. The direct shipment occurred after two installation cancellations due to a lack of an available 811.


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