
SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Nov 13, 2003
Tampa Bay Area
I tried putting Euronews back on ala carte and see that you cannot pick it ala carte anymore unless you have an International core package. So has Dish decided to go back to making us spend more $ in order to get Euronews? Why can't they leave things alone?

I wonder if that means it won't be available on 61.5 anymore and that's why?
I just got Euronews A la Carte a few days ago, I wasn't able to add it directly, and had to get help from DIRT Member Mary and even then she had a few issues, but got it done.
I tried putting Euronews back on ala carte and see that you cannot pick it ala carte anymore unless you have an International core package. So has Dish decided to go back to making us spend more $ in order to get Euronews? Why can't they leave things alone?


I am still showing this channel available a la carte without having to subscribe to international programing.
No you can't.
It is showing grey and you cannot select it.
Look at the pic. :D

The only issue for me getting it, was that Dish network had no record of me having a 1000+ dish, and being able to receive 118.7 satellite.
I had the same issue, DIRT team added 118 to show on my account. Apparently the system never saw Euronews as being available on 61.5. I also notice they changed what it says, it did not say "General" Euronews before.
I was able to click Euronews as an A la Carte add-on on-line, but then it wanted to take away 2 of my Superstations, so I canceled the request. It was not grayed out for me just 4 days ago.

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