SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 5, 2003
Even though officially the 522 (and 322) has been for new subscribers, lease only we all know that if you email or call the right people, you can get them activated .

Well, I just received an email from one of those people who says that it is now REALLY only for lease and they can't do any more activations . Sounded pretty serious, so you may want to think twice about buying them on ebay, or at least find out before you bid.
Are you referring to one of the executive office people ?? If so, I'd be more likely to believe it. If a regular phone rep told you this, call back and the next one will tell you differently, as usual.
Executive office, otherwise I wouldn't have given it much credence either .
i just talked to their tech support group and had the super dish installed to day 7-24-04 on my Model 5000. I was told it has a compatibility issue and won't work with my locals on my 5000. Because if this problem, I asked if I bought a 522 on ebay, could I have it activated, they told me even if I did not have a problem, I could, but they made a note on my account that I could have it activated should I decide to buy one.
I got a note from the Executive offices last night, telling me they are no longer making special exceptions on activating purchased 322 / 522 units, and they WILL NOT be activating any 522 or 322 units purchased outright from places like Ebay.
Now if they would just let existing customers have them! It really stinks being told you cannot have a multiroom reciever because you own your own equipment and you cannot lease this. If they were to offer them to existing customers for lease at $5/month (no mirror) like they do DHA it would solve the problem. How long have they been promising a lease of these for existing customers?
It's their "incentive" for customers to just lease the equipment. Wall Street likes it better when they can show all those receivers as assets.

If they let existing customers activate those models and get the discount, they would have to let other new non-lease customers do the same. Then there is no good reason to lease the equipment (especially when you still have to pay for in-home service).
Mainstreet said:
It's their "incentive" for customers to just lease the equipment. Wall Street likes it better when they can show all those receivers as assets.

If they let existing customers activate those models and get the discount, they would have to let other new non-lease customers do the same. Then there is no good reason to lease the equipment (especially when you still have to pay for in-home service).

I understand E* desire to continue to own the equipment because it looks good on their books, however I too ask why E* seams to be dragging their feet on offering these to current customers on a lease plan for $5/mo? By offering 522's and 322's to current customers on a lease this would place an even larger number of receivers on E* books because some current customers would use these units to replace receivers that they currently own with ones that E* owns.
Purchased 522 can be activated - sometimes

I purchased my third 522 off ebay last week. Of course I had to call the executive offices to get it activated just as I had for my other two 522s. I thought everything was going to be fine - "Sir, your 508 should be deactivated within a few minutes and your 522 (my 7th receiver) should be up and running just shortly after that". At that point I actually took the new 522 out of the box and hooked it up. An hour later nothing had changed - my 508 was still active and my new 522 wasn't. I called back and got a really rude rep in the executive office who basically told me that I wasn't even authorized to have my already activated 522s and if it were up to him he would shut them off right then. I asked to speak with somebody in charge and he told me that I could speak with whoever I wanted but it would'nt make any difference. I spoke with a different rep later on and he said that he would have to ask the general manager once he/she was out of a meeting. a few hours later I got a call back telling me that they would indeed activate my new 522. Mission Accomplished! I will not, however, buy any more 522s off ebay - it's just too much hassle.
They're really all over the place with this aren't they ! I wish they'd make up their friggin' minds . Some customers want to lease, some want to own, what's the big deal about offering both options ? And this un-official flip-flopping back and forth really says a great deal about how the company is being managed lately .
They should allow people to add the 522 to any account as a lease item only. Then everyone would get a 522 who wanted them and Dish could still lease them only. There everyone would win. Can't Dish figure this out? :rolleyes:

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