No sound this morning?


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jul 12, 2010
Southeast US
Had sound at 8am. No sound when I turned it back on at 9am for any channel. It's a 211k, fwiw, with no other equipment. No sound from HDMI or RCA output. Fine from TV with antennae attached, so it's likely not the TV.

Tried hitting the "Mute" button on my remote on a lark. Nothing.

Any chance this isn't my 211k? (aka, "Please tell me someone else isn't getting sound!")
Had sound at 8am. No sound when I turned it back on at 9am for any channel. It's a 211k, fwiw, with no other equipment. No sound from HDMI or RCA output. Fine from TV with antennae attached, so it's likely not the TV.

Tried hitting the "Mute" button on my remote on a lark. Nothing.

Any chance this isn't my 211k? (aka, "Please tell me someone else isn't getting sound!")
Unplug the receiver and plug it back into the outlet. Usually this will fix most problems.


adding another dish receiver.

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