Noticeable pulsing static sound...


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Feb 8, 2006
SW Lower Michigan
...coming from TV 2 output only. TV 2 has a faint but noticable pulsing static sound that is an issue for a friend of mine. He was just installed. It's coming from a 625 on TV 2 only. TV 1 is fine as are the 2 TV's powered by a 322. I hooked up my 13 inch TV to output 2 and the same sound occurs. Does anyone know what might cause this? Is it a bad receiver out of box? Thanks in advance.
Have you tried changing the channel for the output in TV2? Menu, 6, 1, 5. Your friend could be having interference. Channel 73 Cable seems to work better for me.

New 622 Arrived with non-working HDMI

Horrible service and I don't even HAVE Dish yet...

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