Ok how long...

Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
Just got in and turned on my TV. I tuned to channel 101 and there are the guy and the girl there FROZEN on my screen just looking at me.

I thought maybe I had my 622 paused so I went and checked it on another TV, so my question is how mlong has channel 101 been a frozen picture.

(Maybe they are bringing back DNN Back... Oh how I wish!)
Actually met one of the guys responsible for monitoring this very channel at the uplink center a few months ago. He was in chemotherapy with my wife and had driven down from the Cheyenne uplink center for treatment.

He told me that he was only responsible for that one channel (101), and his job was to sit there all day and monitor and tweek. Since it was a dish originated channel, he was also responsible for the source loop as well. He said that people monitoring other non-originated channels might have as many as 3 channels they were responsible for.

Given that, I would expect that they knew about it instantly, and that it was a failure in the source loop.
I was at the uplink center a few months ago, and they only had 4 people monitoring the wall of monitors of all the channels.

Most of the monitoring is done by computer, and the LCS wall of monitors actually changes colors and alerts the people who are watching the wall.

Was kind of neat to see in person.
It makes sense that they'd try to automate this as much as possible. It would actually be pretty simple.

Store and capture your frame and compare it with the previous frames and do a counter. If the counter exceeds X where X could be defined as a multiple of 30 and you have a simple algorithm for monitoring the stations.

Anyway, that's just me :)

Nothing like hiring as few people as possible and outsourcing to get the job done. That is one job that they probably could not outsource so easily though. A machine would replace them before that would happen.
Nothing like hiring as few people as possible and outsourcing to get the job done. That is one job that they probably could not outsource so easily though. A machine would replace them before that would happen.

We all demand the most product (MORE HD CHANNELS, MORE FEATURES) for the least price (BUT DON'T YOU DARE RAISE YOUR PRICES), this is what we get.

The older I get (shudder), the more I lean toward quality, and am more willing to pay for it.

Installer Coming Back Tomorrow For The Third Time.

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