OTA Channels


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Feb 10, 2004
NE Ohio
I need a little clarification. Im getting ready to order the Digital Home package with local channels. Will these channels be piped in through the satellite or by a OTA antenna connected to the satellite? Would it make a difference (better/worse) if I just installed a antenna my self(other than saving 5.00 a month)

You didn't say which receiver you are going to be using. If none of your receivers are HDTV capable, any you get the DHP with locals, you won't need an OTA antenna. If you get one of the HDTV receivers (6000, 811, or 921) and want to watch your local channels in HD, you'll need an OTA antenna.
Digital Home Advantage's, or DHA, price includes local channels via satellite, not OTA, whether your market actually gets them or not. If Dish doesn't offer your locals yet, you pay ~$5/month for nothing. I don't know if they substitute national feeds or not.....
You are in for a surprise if you are getting locals through DIsh, they cram 12 channels per transponder on the locals and the PQ totally stinks.
Yea, Like everyone else has said, locals thru dish do suck big time. I have a new 811 HD receiver and installed a "big ugly antenna" with a 120" boom in my attic for my locals in HD. Well worth the trouble installing one. The difference between my dish locals and my OTA are like night and day. Just watch Leno or Enterprise in HD for free and you will never go back to dish locals. :love Remember, I do qualify for my locals thru dish but after putting up my antenna, nuff said! Bill

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