Over 275 MLB games in HD. How many will E* show?


Supporting Founder
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Supporting Founder
Oct 7, 2003
Pacific Coast
I just checked and this MLB season both of my RSNs (CSNBA 5419 & CSNC 5409) will be showing every game in HD (execpt one) for the Giants & A's. Last season E* did a terrible job of broadcasting these games in HD. Some HD games were either missing from the guide or very often would be join in progress. Many of the games had the dreaded (JIP) in the guide so you would never know when the game would start airing, sometimes on time, other times games would start airing as late as the 6th inning.

What is even worse, if you were recording the HD game, you may never ever see the game because the area "flag" would not be seen with my 622 receiver unless you changed channels which doesn't happen when you're trying to record it. I had many recordings last season which were FOUR HOURS of "CHECK BACK OFTEN TO SEE IF YOUR FAVORITE TEAM IS PLAYING IN HD". I can't tell you how often this would piss me off! :mad:

This would not be a problem if E* has full time RSN in HD. Next month with the NBA, college basketball and MLB season starting, that's going to be a lot of HD games on all of the RSNs which I can't see all being broadcasted unless they come up with a new plan about HD RSNs.

I'm interested in knowing how many other MLB teams will broadcasting nearly of their games in HD?
This is a very good and very timely question. I, for one, take dish's silence on the subject to mean we will get a repeat of last year with missed games and JIP games.
West Coast

This is a very good and very timely question. I, for one, take dish's silence on the subject to mean we will get a repeat of last year with missed games and JIP games.

Many of the West coast games, that is, the HD version of the games -played- on the West Coast will be JIP'd as East Coast games start at 7:05 ET/4:05 PT. Therefore if the East coast game runs long, the West Coast HD games marked JIP will be showing the end of another game. Or perhaps not shown in HD at all.
Not completely related, but I noticed last night that Dish had the HD Sportsouth turned on for a SD game with the SportsouthHD banner on the sides of the screen.

Does this give hope that Dish may have given more bandwidth to play with for the RSNs?
My MLBEI/MLB Network HD will have tons of games in HD in 2010... and ya'll know which provider too hehe
MASN plans to show virtually all Nats and Orioles games in HD. Since I'm sticking with DISH, I'll see NONE of them.

Boy I hope MPEG4 SD is a HUGE improvement over my old setup. :rolleyes:
I just checked and this MLB season both of my RSNs (CSNBA 5419 & CSNC 5409) will be showing every game in HD (execpt one) for the Giants & A's. Last season E* did a terrible job of broadcasting these games in HD. Some HD games were either missing from the guide or very often would be join in progress. Many of the games had the dreaded (JIP) in the guide so you would never know when the game would start airing, sometimes on time, other times games would start airing as late as the 6th inning.

What is even worse, if you were recording the HD game, you may never ever see the game because the area "flag" would not be seen with my 622 receiver unless you changed channels which doesn't happen when you're trying to record it. I had many recordings last season which were FOUR HOURS of "CHECK BACK OFTEN TO SEE IF YOUR FAVORITE TEAM IS PLAYING IN HD". I can't tell you how often this would piss me off! :mad:

This would not be a problem if E* has full time RSN in HD. Next month with the NBA, college basketball and MLB season starting, that's going to be a lot of HD games on all of the RSNs which I can't see all being broadcasted unless they come up with a new plan about HD RSNs.

I'm interested in knowing how many other MLB teams will broadcasting nearly of their games in HD?

It appears you need to decide which is more important. Having National HD's like Travel or watching your RSN/MLB Network or even ordering MLBEI.
What bothers me even more is that west coast HD subs are getting discriminated because of where they live. I pay the same amount as other E* subs but I'm getting less HD programming. Perhaps if they ended MLB east coast HD games on time, regardless if the game was actually over I would feel differently. Hey, you got your three hours of HD programming, it's not my fault your HD game on your RSN didn't end on time. Factor in rain delays, extra innings and long games and you see how often this may happen.

Even worse still, is the fact west coast HD RSN viewers have to wait for their one unknown east coast game to finish even if other east coast games finish earlier. I guess the HD transponder is predetermined or plan in advance and doesn't get changed. That means even more delays for not only west coast viewers, but if your MLB team is on the road playing in the west you will also be affected. There's also some human at E* that has to watch these HD RSN to when to throw the correct switch when a MLB game ends.

I believe this only a problem with HD RSNs on the 129 sat since only west cost viewers are affected and I thought there was plenty of HD space on this sat.

Ordering MLB EI would not be help me since these are my home teams and would not be available. Plus E* no longer has EI.
I'm not even saying that full time HD RSNs are the only answer. They could use some TPs from PPV for a few hours on 129 sat may help resolve this problem. It all depends how much HD RSN programming there is next month.
I'm not even saying that full time HD RSNs are the only answer. They could use some TPs from PPV for a few hours on 129 sat may help resolve this problem. It all depends how much HD RSN programming there is next month.

You're correct. Last year Dish had enough space to cover every single game, they just chose not to dedicate any more TP space to HD RSN's.

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