billowens, I do understand your desire, but consider the fact that accessing on Demand or accessing Apps on a Dish DVR or a TiVo DVR is really a horrible experience compared to any decent connected device like a Roku or FireTV. It is so sad that even with Dish (and others such as TiVo) offering Apps accessing Netflix and Amazon Prime, I just no longer bother or care and much, much prefer a good connected device.
However, I do have family older folks (Oh, I do understand their challanges) who just find it easier to access the Apps on the H3, and the additions of Amazon Prime is GREAT news for them becasue they have forgotten how to access their Roku's to access Amazon Prime.
Yes, there is a population out there that really depends upon the Apps on Dish DVR's. I just wish those Apps on the H3 would work as well as on connected divices--but I am aware that Dish is at the mercy of Netflix or Amazon, et al. as far as the implementation of their Apps.