phone line attachment required question...


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 19, 2006
I currently have a 510 and it's hooked to a phone line. Mainly for caller-ID. We hardly ever buy PPVs. I just ordered a 625 from Dish ($69 including installation) and they told me I had to have a phone line attached otherwise there's a charge. The 625 (it will get the phone line attached to it) will replace the 510 and the 510 will move upstairs. Will I need to have a phone line attached to both receivers to meet that requirement?
Welcome to Dish Network! It wouldnt be fun it not silly.

Truthfully though its a good way for them to keep the boxes connected to prevent account stacking. Im sure it will just get more common in the future. Very dumb considering many homes are cell only.
I use a VOIP phone connection and I think it works ok. The caller ID detects the incoming calls but I don't know if it can call the "mothership". I have trouble with my fax machine at times depending where I'm calling.
try going to the interactive, click on customer service and see if you can dial out
to dish, if you can not,you pay 5.00/wxtra per mo. i had voip when i ordered dish they told me it would work, it didn't had to go back to bellsouth, directv don't charge for the phone line not connected.this is just another way to put the screws to dish customers,and more $ in charley's pocket.
try going to the interactive, click on customer service and see if you can dial out
to dish, if you can not,you pay 5.00/extra per mo. i had voip when i ordered dish they told me it would work, it didn't had to go back to bellsouth, directv don't charge for the phone line not connected.this is just another way to put the screws to dish customers,and more $ in charley's pocket.

I'm not about to sign up for a land line service. If push comes to shove, I'll throw the whole setup in the trash and switch to Direct or cable.

I really don't understand the necessity to have a phone line attached. If they don't want me cheat and get PPVs for free, then they should block the channels.

Interactive/hair club

error code 530 on 322 sat reciever

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