Possible Loss OF Local CBS and FOX due to Dispute.


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Oct 23, 2008
While watching Big Bang Theory the other night ,we were informed that are local CBS(KCOY)is in dispute with Dishnetwork and we may lose this channel,and since this channel is also are Fo:mad:sub channel 24) we will lose that too.That would be the last straw if we lose are channels.
question is if we lose are local channel are we eligible to receive a distant channel until dispute is resolved.We can as far as I know receive a FOX (abeit SD from All American Direct(or what ever they are called nowadays)this station is out of San Francisco.
Can Dishnetwork please tell us the whole story and who we can contact directly to resolve.
Otherwise it may be time to leave dish.As other carriers dont seem to have issues.
This just happened a month ago with my local CBS. It had a crawler saying to contact DISH so it won't be removed, or switch providers.

Well, it gave a date of when it "could" get removed. Long story short. That day came and went and I still have CBS on DISH.
Some of these local broadcasters should start running their scrolls the day after they sign their agreement. "In x years, x months, and x days you might lose your local ZYX network affiliate. Contact Dish to keep your channel or switch providers."
It'd be nice if there was some way we could end this pattern of television providers and television stations (both terrestrial and cable/satellite) getting in disputes and having the end consumers be the people who suffer by not getting the stations they're paying for while it all gets worked out (Assuming it ever does- sometimes it doesn't).

I don't know how you do it in a way that's fair to all parties involved, but it seems like something that the folks in Washington could put their brains together on and figure out.

It sucks that people pick television as their form of entertainment to unwind and forget their problems, pay their bill, and then flip on the tube only to discover what they're paying for isn't there because a couple of big corporations are having a pissing contest. Not judging who's right and who's wrong, just saying there should be some way of figuring it out so that the customers don't have to be the ones who suffer when greedy corporations butt heads.
Ultimately, these issues are the fault of the local TV station - I am defending all cable/sat providers here. Yeah, I get it that advertising revenue is down from what it was in the "old days" for TV stations and I get it that cable/sat pay to air other non-OTA channels. I would like to think that if cable/sat dropped the greedy locals for a significant period, then the local station would miss that large number of lost eyeballs. My question to local TV stations is simply do you want cable/TV providers to carry your station or not? If all you (the local TV station) had to rely on was your OTA viewers, how would you like that? So, let the local TV station try to survive with only OTA viewers for 6 months and I believe they'd be satisfied with "must carry" for FREE.
6 years with dish - 5-10 channels lost
2 years with direct - 0 losses

Yep, and Direct overall costs more. And that's the point. For a short time of losing a local channel for some, the long term is lower monthly cost.
Yep, and Direct overall costs more. And that's the point. For a short time of losing a local channel for some, the long term is lower monthly cost.

my bill went up $9 a month
and i added a receiver and mrv, thats $9 a month
so no it really does not cost more
if you factor in receiver fees for more then 2 tvs or dvrs then its actually less
I don't know how you do it in a way that's fair to all parties involved, but it seems like something that the folks in Washington could put their brains together on and figure out.
Now you're asking to much!!!!!
Yep, and Direct overall costs more. And that's the point. For a short time of losing a local channel for some, the long term is lower monthly cost.
Wow I didn't now that. :rolleyes::D
according to this your math could use some work. DirecTV announced that they were removing G4 from its channel lineup on November 1, 2010.
so as you see you did lose channels with directv.
i'll take losing g4 vs foxsports, fx, disneyhd, ect ect anyday
you dont notice it when they are channels that dont get watched


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