Price Jump from 722K to Hopper


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Jun 13, 2006
I currently have a 722K. I contacted Dish chat to inquire about getting the Hopper and 1 Joey. The rep said I would have to pay $100 and my bill would increase $12. Is this really the case? This sounds like a lot.
I currently have a 722K. I contacted Dish chat to inquire about getting the Hopper and 1 Joey. The rep said I would have to pay $100 and my bill would increase $12. Is this really the case? This sounds like a lot.

$4 whole home fee + $7 for the joey. So yeah $11 more sounds right.
With a my current plan I pay $6 for the DVR fee. Shoudn't that fee go way with the $4 whole home fee? It sounds like Dish just wants to add as many fees as they can.
With a my current plan I pay $6 for the DVR fee. Shoudn't that fee go way with the $4 whole home fee? It sounds like Dish just wants to add as many fees as they can.

The $4.00 is in addition, not in place of.
The $6 DVR fee is still there...add the $4 whole-home fee and the $7 fee for the Joey, nets you $11 more per month.
uptownvideo said:
With a my current plan I pay $6 for the DVR fee. Shoudn't that fee go way with the $4 whole home fee? It sounds like Dish just wants to add as many fees as they can.

$6 DVR fee and $4 whole house fee. $7 for additional hoppers of joeys.
With a my current plan I pay $6 for the DVR fee. Shoudn't that fee go way with the $4 whole home fee? It sounds like Dish just wants to add as many fees as they can.

$6 DVR fee + $4 Whole home fee + $7 for each additional outlet. So you would be paying $17 total in hardware per month.

DVR fee doesn't go away. We've been having that debate on the forums for the last month on whether they should be charging for the first Joey as a receiver like the 722 is a two room solution that's included. As for right now, it is what it is. Dish is obviously monitoring the feedback on the fees. It's ultimately up to you to decide if it's worth it under their current pricing.
Dish is obviously monitoring the feedback on the fees. It's ultimately up to you to decide if it's worth it under their current pricing.
Dish might be monitoring the feedback, but I'm sure they really don't care. Otherwise the extra $4 fee on the 922 would have disappeared as soon as Dish allowed the Sling Adaptor to be used on the 722K without any additional fees. No, the $7 fee on each Joey won't be going away. I'd be more concerned about Dish using this feedback to add new fees for the older equipment with TV2 output. That would be one way to make the H/J more competitive in pricing.
for anyone else looking for info on this, dish has this laid out pretty nicely on their website. They're very upfront about the hopper/joey costing 11 more a month over single 722k.

DISH - MyDish - Upgrades - TV Everywhere

It doesn't list the upfront fees as those can vary between customers (for most existing customers it will be $100 per hopper + install fee).
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for anyone else looking for info on this, dish has this laid out pretty nicely on their website. They're very upfront about the hopper/joey costing 11 more a month over single 722k.

DISH - MyDish - Upgrades - TV Everywhere

Wow, that is insanely fairly stated. Not sure I've seen a company be that upfront about monthly fees they'd like to add to your bill before.

But this also makes my 211k with EHD on one HDTV seem like even more like a heckuva deal.
Thank you all for confirming the pirce increase.

It COULD get worse. If you have grandfathered "no-locals" you will be required to start paying for locals at another $5 per month. That is the situation I face. But for many reasons, it now looks like there's no point in my considering H/J any further.
I just talked to customer support chat. They said they are not leasing the receivers and it would cost me $449 for the Hopper and $100 for the Joey!

What's the deal?
To the OP, if you don't mind mirroring TV1, you may want to check out THIS thread for some ideas. I ended up getting one Hopper and no Joeys to replace my 722k and am ok with the $4 increase for the added functionality. Like you, I couldn't justify $11 for my situation.
I have the same situation and was given the same offer and declined. The way I see it, I'm paying $100 + a 2 year agreement, then I'm also paying an extra $12 in DVR fees every month. I also inquired and was told this does not include installation (another $96). So after 2 years in a contract, I've spent $484 extra and I don't even own the box?!?! I understand loyal customers subsidize new ones, but I felt insulted when I discovered this is the best they could offer me. They even transferred me to a "Loyalty Specialist" and was given the exact same offer. Blockbuster and Hopper where the two things keeping me from switching to FiOS which has better picture quality and a multiroom dvr. I think I may need to reconsider.
I have two 211s and am satisfied with them. I went with 211s instead of a 722 to get HD on two TVs.

To make a fair comparison of the cost of this setup you need to include and amortize the cost of the two hard drives and the one time $40 fee over the life of your contract or the life of the hard drives. For me the two 1Tb hard drives and the one time fee work out to $7.77 per month for thirty six months. In addition I pay $7 per month for the second 211 for a total of $14.77 per month to have HD and DVRs on both TVs.

If I had been willing to settle for a 722 my cost would have been $6.00. If today I went with a Hopper/Joey my cost would increase to $17 per month plus the amortization of what ever Dish charged me upfront for the new equipment plus the installation fees. The local independent installer doesn't give anything away for free. In June 2010 it cost me $375 for the installation of the Dish and two receivers.
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I have two 211s and am satisfied with them. I went with 211s instead of a 722 to get HD on two TVs.
I just can't fathom trading away an integrated DVR and central point of timer management (722) just to get HD at a 2nd TV (2 211s). Any time there is a timer conflict on one of the 211s and I want to make sure both programs are recorded, I'd have to go to the other box to set a timer there, plus having to jump between TVs to watch recorded programs. That would drive me insane. :)

Remote with bigger buttons?

Hopper videos?

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