Prison Break Season 2, Are you watching?

No not yet but i did get my hands on it!!

I have been watching the first season DVDs; gone through two of them in the past week - and I am hooked. An awesome show.

Alas, I will probably not finish until the second season just about wraps up, but... I am pretty darn sure I'll be downloading them from amazon unbox. Can't wait for the DVD, that's for sure!
T- Bag messed up Bellick :D he got a taste of his own medicine.

T-Bag is like superman. He got his hand chopped off, picked it up, evaded the people chasing him without any help, reattached his hand by a vet without any major ill effect, found the rest of the gang and the money, took the money right under their noses, got tortured by Bellick and his friend, pulled his own hand off and escaped the police right outside the door, track down Bellick's friend (a big prison guard who just knocked out Bellick not too long ago), with a single hand he killed Bellick's friend without anyone hearing any scream, and then managed to frame Bellick for the murder.
T-Bag is like superman. He got his hand chopped off, picked it up, evaded the people chasing him without any help, reattached his hand by a vet without any major ill effect, found the rest of the gang and the money, took the money right under their noses, got tortured by Bellick and his friend, pulled his own hand off and escaped the police right outside the door, track down Bellick's friend (a big prison guard who just knocked out Bellick not too long ago), with a single hand he killed Bellick's friend without anyone hearing any scream, and then managed to frame Bellick for the murder.
:D :D :D :D :D :D You've got me LOL..... He is superman...:D :D :D :D :D
According to FOX, PB's Fall Finale is next Monday; Nov 27th. It returns on Jan 22 with a 2 hour recap episode, with new episodes starting on January 29th.