Problems with accessing 121


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Mar 3, 2004
Fairport, NY
I have heard that Dish will be putting up locals for Rochester, NY on 121 necessitating the Super[sized]Dish.

I have several questions on this:

1. Will Dish do a roof install? I have heard that they dislike them due to the wind load on the Super[sized]Dish. In my case this is necessary due to line-of-sight issues and the fact that I live in a HOA where I do not own the surrounding land on that side of the home.

2. Neither of my Dish 5000s show 121 degrees on the set-up screen; only 61.5, 110, 119 and 148. Will new receivers be required?

3. If I am DOOMED to continue to get my locals from cable or OTA is there any way to integrate them into the 510, 522 or 721 series so that those local signals can be recorded on the DVR?
as for the roof install they perfer the side of the house for many reasons but they will do a roof install um as for your reciverrs im n ot sure but i beleve after they install the dp34 switch with this setup youll get new software to see the sat cause that happened with my setup when i added the wing sat the installation screen completly changed but i would ask dish first to see what exactly is needed as far as that
ERSanders said:
I have heard that Dish will be putting up locals for Rochester, NY on 121 necessitating the Super[sized]Dish.

I have several questions on this:

1. Will Dish do a roof install? I have heard that they dislike them due to the wind load on the Super[sized]Dish. In my case this is necessary due to line-of-sight issues and the fact that I live in a HOA where I do not own the surrounding land on that side of the home.

2. Neither of my Dish 5000s show 121 degrees on the set-up screen; only 61.5, 110, 119 and 148. Will new receivers be required?

3. If I am DOOMED to continue to get my locals from cable or OTA is there any way to integrate them into the 510, 522 or 721 series so that those local signals can be recorded on the DVR?


1. Sorry don't know this one.

2. The 5000 series recievers will not see the 105 or 121 satellites. You'll need new recievers if you want to view channels from either of these slots.

3. Dish DVR's are not capable of recording OTA signals. The only exception is the 921 which can only record OTA digital.


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