It is a good start. I only have like 90.

All the programming I watch is on HD. But again it is a good start, I just hope that the NFL Network HD will be a the second wave of channels. Thursday night Football in HD for my brother, father and a bunch of friends who weren't able to get the Full Hd Package.
I will never understand Dish policies and procedures as I will never understand women. If I want to give or throw away $30 worth of HD channels every month why Dish don't activate the freakin'package? Why? Those who are able to get that package already made a huge investment. I know that the problem started when people/dealer'/installers without experience or knowledge started calling Dish like madmen, asking for the package without the proper equipment, then calling back piss-off asking for refunds. If Dish let certified installers handle this kind of activations there will be no problem. The customer will know in advance the conditions for the activation, and that's it. But that's just me.
I pay Dish almost $130 a month. And I'll continue until there's a better option.