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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 11, 2003
I can get a PRV and a 301 for $39.99 with a two year agreement? Do I need a phone line because I got a cell and won't get a land line.
I don't believe you need a two year agreement. I think its only one.

Give Claude a call at the store and he can give you the exact details.
Well I guess I'm not allowed to put one up at a new apartment after I just got done talking to the bitch.
You can do it without a phone line, just if you get a 522 the second tuner will cost you $5 a month extra for not having a phoneline hooked up.
What receiver has the dual outputs and what's the price?
Scott Greczkowski said:
You can do it without a phone line, just if you get a 522 the second tuner will cost you $5 a month extra for not having a phoneline hooked up.

That would make it more than I want to spend. WTF would they charge for the 2nd receiver in the same box?
I don't know either. It isn't like you can share the 522 extra tuner with your neighbors. Unless they live in a trailer park right next door 50 feet away. The phone requirement is there so you won't stack your accounts, but I don't see that being a problem with a single unit with two tuners built in that can go to two different tvs.

Another stupid marketing decision like dvr fees. Maybe the shakeup of executives at Dish will correct some of these stupid accounting decisions.
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