Question about distant locals


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Mar 19, 2004
Amherst, VA
When I first signed up for Dish, I had to get distant locals....then local channels became available...I was told that if I discontinued the distant locals that I could add them back I cancelled them.

I now wanted to add them back and was told that if locals are available that I cant have the distant locals... :(

A relative that lives 10 miles away has both locals and distant locals though...

any help will be appreciated
Go to the Dish site under "Locals" and put in your address. That will tell you what you qualify for

Heck, where I live I get Minneapolis locals and FOX distant. But 5 miles down the road, you qualify for the locals, FOX & CBS.

If you don't like what you qualify for..."Move" :)
In order to qualify for distant locals you either have to live in an area with no local networks or receive a waiver from your local networks to also receive the "Distant" network signals.
briani said:
In order to qualify for distant locals you either have to live in an area with no local networks or receive a waiver from your local networks to also receive the "Distant" network signals.

not necessarily

You have to live ouotisde a "Grade B" area.
Technically, where I live, I cannot get the Minneapolis locals OTA. There are translators in the vicinity that makes it a Grade B signal. (even though I cant get a picture)
briani said:
In order to qualify for distant locals you either have to live in an area with no local networks or receive a waiver from your local networks to also receive the "Distant" network signals.

That might confuse some as they mightt hink you mean that you have to live where the DBS provider does not carry your locals. You have to live in an area that cannot receive an acceptable OTA signal or get a waiver. If you meet either of those tests you can get distants even if your locals are carried.
All I know is I use to get both the east and west distant locals because I could not
receive an acceptable OTA signal, but when DISH added the phoenix locals(I live 250 miles from phoenix) I lost my distant locals and was told I would need a waiver to still receive the distant locals. Dish submitted my waivers to the local networks but only the ABC affiliate would grant me a waiver. I would rather subscribe to "Distant" networks but I was told I was out of luck and there was no "Grandfathering" provision.
Can you get the Phoenix locals via Dish, or are you too far away for them to offer it to you?

Downloading from 522

Locals come to Rochester, NY Thursday

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