Reality TV channel


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 8, 2003
Lexington, KY
Reality TV will be on channel 190 according to Tony's Dish Channel Chart. He also included a link to their web page I took a look at what they are offering in the UK and it appears to be cop and rescue type shows.

I thought this channel was going to include "Survivor" type shows from around the world. Oh well, maybe that's another "reality" channel in the works. Any info on a channel like this coming soon?

Also, does anyone know when channel 190 will be available to subscribers and what package it will be included in?
It will be available in December (according to last months Charlie Chat)

And it will be part of the Top 150 package.

Hackers say its up already. (Right Dark?)

Teh confusion is that there is a new US service called Reality Central that is slated to come out this spring by another company. That is the "survivor" type non-reality reality show channel that many (including me) thought Dish was adding. As I mentioned elsewhere, this is another case of channel name confusion like The outdoor Channel and Outdoor LiFe Network.

Here is the link to the new US service: It is not the channel currently testing at 190 since RC is not on the air yet

See ya
I looked at both links, the one Tony posted does not really say what shows they are carrying. The other one I believe is the one Dish is picking up (as the press release said it was a foriegn channel)

I would love to see reality shows from other countries (and no not Englands version of COPS) I am talking like the UK's Version of Big Brother, some of the Japeneese Rality Shows (in english) like the one MXE Most Extreme Elimination is pulled from.
Tony - first of all nothing is reported to be tested at 190 currently...
LOL - it's reported to be tested somewhere else, higher up on the EPG, like 9000s ETC channel(s) or something... And not really a channel itself, but just mostly advertising for it with some previews...
And it's not RealityCentral, but Reality Channel (with reality channel logo, and previews of upcoming things - like Emergency and "chit" like that etc...)

And Yes Scott, on previous Chats they said Foreign.. and i think UK, etc..
As to Hackers/No Hackers issue - is kinda irrelavant, and "No Hack Tack" here and DBStalk anyhow... - so as i said at DBSTalk ------> it's been reported (... on the Net)))))
Anonymous said:
Tony - first of all nothing is reported to be tested at 190 currently...
LOL - it's reported to be tested somewhere else, higher up on the EPG, like 9000s ETC channel(s) or something... And not really a channel itself, but just mostly advertising for it with some previews...
And it's not RealityCentral, but Reality Channel (with reality channel logo, and previews of upcoming things - like Emergency and "chit" like that etc...)

And Yes Scott, on previous Chats they said Foreign.. and i think UK, etc..
As to Hackers/No Hackers issue - is kinda irrelavant, and "No Hack Tack" here and DBStalk anyhow... - so as i said at DBSTalk ------> it's been reported (... on the Net)))))

Sorry, wasn't Logged IN on this computer...

My post above...
And Yes Scott.. I believe they said December (on previous chats)

[EDIT] Hmmm.. I did "Quick Repply" and avatar wasn't shown..

is it Reply = Avatar and a post count, and Quick Reply = no Avatar and no post count? :)

It's a pretty good idea Scott :)
If think of it - makes sense...
I kinda like it actually - and giving credits where credits are due :D

Back to the Subject of the Thread though..
According to Ogre's post at DBSTalk - the www site for this Reallity TV will be:

So after i went there - i saw there: "Launching across the USA December 10"

And thanks god i see the familiar logo there of Reality TV (and not the logo of that RealityCentral)))
I dont know, it looks like nothing but 24 hours of "Real TV" type shows.

As I said I want to see Reality TV shows from around the world, the Big Brother Shows from other countries, the Survivor Ripoffs, etc. :)
well - it still looks better then the RealityCental :)

and from what is reported to be advertized about it on a testing channel, they DO advertize there shows from around the World. - and that sure beats that ReallityCetral "crap" :)

In any case - if the True Launch date in the USA is indeed Dec 10.. - not long left to wait now to find out))))
The Dish Network Guide monthly magazine that is like a tv guide has an ad in it about Reality Tv being added to the lineup in December.

Columbus, Oh locals not on super dish (wtf?)

Second Dish Install Question (61.5 deg)

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