

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 8, 2003
I have a 510 reciever and want to have an extra remote. Anyone know where I can pick this up? I looked on Ebay and nothing. Thnaks Mike (link above) has a 510 remote for sale.

I'd sell you mine, but I don't want to keep getting up to change the channel.
If you are looking for a universal remote, you can check out, and go into their forums. The host has some One-for-All URC-6131 remotes that he has added the JP1 connector and some memory to. The nice thing is that he has a complete Dish mapping that works rather well that he can preload into the remote or you (just tell him up front that you need it).

The URC-6131 has a full set of PVR buttons, as well as arrow keys, guide, info, and just about all the other things you would need. And for the few things it does not have, you can easily move that functionality onto an unused button (for instance, I have Page up/down on the Channel up/down, since the channel up/down on the Dish remote is on the arrow keys).

It's around $25, and will control everything you own (and you don't even have to get into the JP1 modifications for most of anything you would need to control).

Just another suggestion.

If you are wanting the Dish remote

SW21, can I buy something similar in a local electronics store?

Curious thing about Dishwire on my new 921 ...

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