Returning to dish


New Member
Original poster
Nov 22, 2003
I canceled dish about a month ago and want to go back. Question is if i go back and put it in another name and SS# put number as cellphone(for time being) will i be able to DHP?
BobFly said:
I canceled dish about a month ago and want to go back. Question is if i go back and put it in another name and SS# put number as cellphone(for time being) will i be able to DHP?

Grass isn't always greener? jk Three things are looked at: Last name, phone number, and address. If any two match a previous account, it's a no-go. DHA requres that the phone lines be plugged into the receivers. If the installers show up and plug the receivers into your home phone, you're busted. If they call it in from the phone number that was on your old account, you're busted. If you EVER call in for billing or support questions from the phone number on the old account, you're busted! And, you can't block their ANI by blocking caller-id, because technically, it's not the same thing.

It could cause you a lot of grief keeping them from finding out. I wouldn't recommend it.

I believe that DISH is working on a "formers" program. From what I understand, you would have had to been away for at least 6 months, though.

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