Satellite 110 Mystery


Original poster
Dec 11, 2019
New Mexico
We are configured with three separate single LNB dishes feeding a DPP44 with a trunked DPH42 that feeds our wally receiver. We are in western arc territory. The Sat 119 and 129 signal strengths (SS) are fine. The 110 however is strange. How is it possible to to receive an SS of 50 on transponder 6 and an SS of 7 on transponder 5? I believe that both are CONUS transponders (ie not spot beam). I have not done an exhaustive review of the other transponders on 110 but this situation does adversely affect us (loss of Channel 110 -- Magnolia Network for example).

We appreciate in advance any thoughts/suggestions as to what may be the issue here.

Thank you,
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Check here for a list of Transponders and assigned channels for Dish’s 110°W satellite:
This shows that Magnolia is on TP5, not TP7.​

What ever happened to “The List”?
He said he is getting a signal of 7 on transponder 5. I know, for certain, if he is receiving a signal of 7 he would not get a channel at all. He is using three separate dishes to receive the entire western arc. I wonder if he is actually aimed at 110 on that dish. I have a signal strength of 69 when I look at 110, transponder 5.
D’oh! I was fixated on TP7 and see that the OP said “SS of 7 on transponder 5?”

Never mind. :oops:

I was going suggest a switch check to see if something might have happened to the Odd Transponders on 110°W. Maybe the LNBf is going bad?
Check the strength on Transponder 21 for 119 and 110 and Transponder 23 on 129. Some transponders are just stronger. I see it on Eastern Arc, too. Compare Transp 9 to most any other.
Check the strength on Transponder 21 for 119 and 110 and Transponder 23 on 129. Some transponders are just stronger. I see it on Eastern Arc, too. Compare Transp 9 to most any other.
Thanks to all for responses. I will look at the odd/even transponder SS's when I get back. I am assuming that a degraded LNB could result in a variety of strange indications.

Thank you all again,

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