Satellite 119

hdtv 2003

Well-Known SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Feb 25, 2004
I had to move my dish because of poor signal, how hard could it be right?? Well 105 and 110 come in great but I can't find 119 to save my a_ _ ! I have done everything and when I try to get a signal for 119 I get; "ECHO STAR locked on signal wrong satellite 110 west" :confused: Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I have done that it never sees the 119 satellite, it says "port 3 dp-dual good conection, no signal" :confused:
I take it that you had to move your "SuperDish", right? Check the connections on the dish itself and see if the coax to the 119 LNB had come loose (or at the switch). If you have both 105 and 110 coming in, you should be locked into the same region as the 119 Sat.
Yes I have a super dish, I have replaced the cables with 3 new ones from the dish to the switch. I think I am going to move the dish back to the original location and if 119 comes in then it is being blocked. When you do set up it say's that 119 needs an az. of 230 which I believe they mean the left corner of the dish needs to see that az., if that is the case then it is blocked, that's why moving back should prove this correct. One thing I was thinking was can I use my old DTV dish on just the 119 satellite?
Yes.. I believe 119 is the normal Dual on your superdish... you should be able to move that LNB to your old DTV dish and run the wire to your DP34 without any problems.

Depending on your type, 110 and 105 are the funky shaped ones.

Does this sound right?

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