ok so i have dish network with adish i got it in july.the reciever i have is the 722 hd dual reciever. it been working great sinnce july .early yesterday mourning it was working fine. . couple hours later couldnt find a sat signal at all.we didnty touch or do anything to anything.so i dont know what happened...so i figured a uple hours or this mourning it would work nope cant find sat.itsmounted on a sturdy post so i know it didnt move at all.i check all connection so make sure there tight which they were.im pretty sure the reciever is fine so its got to be something with sat.i live in ohio and yesterday is was rainy and windy so i dunno if that has something to with it .there is no snow or ice on dish but the cable lines seem to be a little iced over.so i go to the point sat menu to see any sat that will work.they all show nothing no red or green no signal strenth at all.i tried 61.5,72,77, and 119 i went through all the tranponders nothing!i also hit the system info it showed 61.5,72 and 77 all 3 had red box all x out.i dont understand how it can all of a sudden find no signals at all!i hope some1 experienced a prob like this and can give me pointers thanks a bunch in advaance