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Scott Greczkowski

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Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT

Actually it would be nice if we could join together for once to support FREE SPEECH.

The Government and the FCC are trying to decide what we can and can not listen to.

While not everyone will say shows like Howard Stern, Bubba the Love Spone, The Regular Guys, The Monsters of the Midday and Mancow are their cup of tea, we can say that everyones radio has two very special functions which anyone can use those functions are the OFF BUTTON and A TUNING DIAL so you can change the station.

The Government should not be telling ANYONE what they can and can not watch or listen to!

Support Free Speech!
Contact your Senators and Congressmen NOW!

America was not founded on censorship.
Hmm I tend to disagree a little Scott. I like Stern and all but having young kids dont like him being so easily accesabile on the public airwaves. I wouldnt mind if he was on something like XM or Sirus. I think it would be the same as putting soft porn on a local TV station that anyone could see. There has to be some kind of standard or rule of conduct. :)
It does not matter if you like Hoard Stern or not, FREE SPEECH is on the line here.

Do you want the government telling what you can say? What you can watch? What you can listen to?

Howard Stern is just a small part of a bigger picture here.

Protect YOUR rights.
I did agree with one statement he made.... that the indecnecy stick isn't applied equally...... Oprah can say whatever she wants on the same topic and he'll get fined.....

Persoanlly, I've given up on public radio, and have moved to Satellite radio..... If they try to turn the broadcast networks clocks back to 1955, then channels like HBO will flourish and the broadcast nets will die.
Is the Government really doing anything diffrent here? As I recall there has always been certain things you can and can not say on the public airwaves. They are not telling Stern he can not say or have an opinion on certain subject matters they are just telling him to clean up his act when on public airwaves. Stern has the FCC record for fines, this is nothing new. Clear channel took him off six stations not the government. It has nothing to do with censorship. There have ALWAYS been certain things u can and cant say on the radio or TV. :)
BobMurdoch said:
I did agree with one statement he made.... that the indecnecy stick isn't applied equally...... Oprah can say whatever she wants on the same topic and he'll get fined.....
I agree, They are attacking Stern because he is easy prey, But I don't agree with the argument that it's better for kids. If that is the thinking that people need the government to control what they listen to because they have no self control or they can't control there kids. Since i'm allergic to seafood they should do away with all the selling of seafood to help me from eating any because I can't control myself. I know this sounds stupid but so does censorship
Whats different about Howard Stern talking about "Tossing Salad" and Oprah Winfrey talking about "Tossing Salad"?

Howard Stern got fined for it, Oprah didn't.

Read the transcript for yourself.... Oprah Oral Anal.htm

The big unanswered question is what is obscene?

This entire thing is all pollitics, it's an election year. Stern is an easy target.

I find it funny to clear up the airways they fine Stern (And bubba the love sponge) for stuff that aired over 3 years ago. I also don't like the fact that there is no rebutal for these guys, they are just GUILTY, there is no trial, no jurry, just a bunch of guys in a room saying grasping at straws.

There is no clear cut definition of what is obscene, anything said by ANYONE on radio could be considered obscene no matter what was said. And there lies the problem, sure we have George Carlins 7 Dirty Words, but besides that there is nothing.
Scott, I find it hard to believe that you would allow me to say F*** this and F*** that on your site. Why do you think you are the best man to judge what our kids can hear? If you think the entertainment industry can police itself you are not only niave, but also a fool.
I knew when I read the topic that it was an April Fool's joke, that someone was going to try to pull a big one, lol.
One of our local radio shows in the morning has a very funny crew on and they were discussing the words that they can no longer use under the new FCC regulations without getting fined. So here is some of their new words:

Nelson & Terry's Alternate Dictionary;


Ankle - The worst name you can call a woman is ankle.
Cake - Steve's wife never gives him cake any more.
Cookies - For a special treat on her birthday, Dianne got cookies from her boyfriend.
Juice - After drinking too much soda, Fred really had to take a juice.
Manvelope - Lisa went to her Gynecologist to get her manvelope checked.
Pods - Henry fell on the ground and cried for 20 minutes when he got kicked in the pods.
Quack - There's nothing better than a good quack.
Rocks - A lot of women like to show off their rocks at Mardi Gras.
Roy - Jennifer Lopez is such a roy.
Sean Connery - Sean Connery or get off the pot.
Shoe - John has a smelly shoe because he ate tacos last night.
Teapot - When Larry pulled out his small teapot, all the women laughed.
Yodel - Having to use these new words really quackin' yodels.
Sheemeeshy - This is a catch-all word in case you forget the other words.
ken said:
Scott, I find it hard to believe that you would allow me to say F*** this and F*** that on your site. Why do you think you are the best man to judge what our kids can hear? If you think the entertainment industry can police itself you are not only niave, but also a fool.


I agree with Ken on this. Scott, you and the other "free speech on radio" people that think you know what is best for us are dead wrong. A LOT of us do NOT want that stuff on OUR broadcast channels.

I think in a few years you will change your mind when your child is a little older and starts using the "F" word because he heard it , if you have your way, on radio.
Bill and all, I am not fighting about Howard stern or anyone saying the F word on the radio.

I am saying some guidelines should be established of what not to say on Radio and TV.

How is a person supposed to clean up their act if there are no guidelines to be followed and if the person is fines for doing wrong 3 to 5 years after they made the mistake.

And why is it that while its bad for someone like a Stern to say something, why is it OK for someone like Oprah to say the same exact thing? The rules should be the same for everyone.

But I don't know if you seen some of the Daytime Soap Opera's lately, but some of these shows make services like the Playboy Channel look like kids play. :)

Where is the line for all of this? And why isn't it the same line for everyone?

Thanks all for a good debate. :D
Lets censor Hannity and Limbaugh for the things they say. I find them offensive. Scott I am with you. I get tired of people and the government deciding what is best for me. Radio and TV are not babysitters. People need to be responsible for there children and themselves instead of letting the government do it for them.
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