Service Phone Number 85 Miles Away From Service Address

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Original poster
Oct 19, 2005
Hello Guys,

Curious about the phone line requirement thing. I currently have a VIP622 receiver that is not hooked up to a phone line. I want to eliminate that extra 5.00 a month charge and get rid of that ANNOYING message that pops up everytime after the receiver goes on standby that talks about the phone line charge. The problem is that I use a friend's home in San Francisco as my service address (so I can receive SF networks) but my billing address (and the telephone number that DISH has on file) is in Sacramento 85 miles away which is where the equipment actually is. Do they heavily analyze what phone number your receiver is actually dialing out from and that it's not coming out of the region it's supposed to be in? Sacramento obviously has a different area code from San Francisco.

Thank You.
It's technically illegal to forge an address to receive out of market local channels. That's the FCC talking, not me. To be completely honest, this is likely to be tracked down by the people who ensure account accuracy as well as the phone line dialing from a separate area. You would have the fee waived but your local market would be changed. Frankly, forged addresses are part the reason that Dish Network is in the court case about Distant Network channels. If you have a problem with the market that you live in, you should contact the FCC or your state Senator/Congressman rather than break the law, but that's entirely up to you.
:) they use a very extensive caller id similar to 911! yes they will know somethings up! very quickly! the audit team will be calling you! have you re-checked to see if you can get qualified for the locals? get a voip phone number and register it for your friends house. and for gods sake don't let him use your receivers from your account. that's federal signal theft! big time! if they want to push the issue.
I'm not so sure on how much Dish scrutinizes the telephone number. I've had numerous instances where a customer moved and their old telephone number is still showing up on workorders as the "primary contact" number. In some instances, they actually moved from out of state.

Even after moving, the customer will still list their out-of-state number on their bill. Not to say the possibility of audit does not exist. But I seriously doubt the audit Nazis are that concerned...yet.
I could "move" to the same location as my cell phone number and be in the neighboring DMA. Is there any way to get a 622 & 942 to both use that cell phone number?

For instance I live just across the line in Vt (Burlington DMA) but my cell phone has a Concord, NH number (Boston DMA). So if I give Dish a valid street address in Concord and tell Dish I have no hard line phone, what can they do?
My phone number is several STATES away from the service address & I haven't had a problem in 4+ years, nor have any of my "moved" customers that are 3 DMA's away from THEIR phone number... ;) ;)
My phone # and billing address are in Michigan..My service address is in Georgia..

I have one receiver (a 211), and Ive never plugged it into a phone line..

My opinion is that they care whether or not you pay your bill, and thats about it..
If they do say somthing about the number being from another area just tell them you have VOIP and thats the exchange you got because its a local for your family. :cool:
Dish doesn’t care about the number on file. My service address is 200 miles from my billing address (has been for almost 4 years) and until I went cell only, I had the phone line plugged in with no issues. Ordered PPV and paid my bill through that.

No issues.

they use a very extensive caller id similar to 911! yes they will know somethings up! very quickly! the audit team will be calling you! have you re-checked to see if you can get qualified for the locals? get a voip phone number and register it for your friends house.
Huh? Yes Dish uses ANI which verifies the phone number when you call in but that’s it. I can call and access my account if I called in from work (which I have done numerous times). When I call from my cell, it says “if the last 4 digits of the phone umber on your Dish Network account are XXXX press 1” If I call from work it says “if you are already a dish network subscriber press 1 and then it asks for your phone number.

Again, Dish doesn’t know “something is up”
My work area code is 763
My home area code (where the box is) is 952
My service address area code is 218

Dish doesn’t care. With all these area code splits/overlays/changes how many accounts on Dish’s file have the wrong area code?

Now if he had 2 boxes in 2 spots (hooked to phone lines) then there would be an issue. But since all his boxes are at his house no biggie.
I've been teetering on the edge of this "move" business for a while now but have held off because Dish has said they would have HD DNS and / or Burlington DMA HD LiLs by now.

I was even told by Marc Lumpkin 6 months ago that Dish was "very close" to a HD DNS deal with ABC and in negoiations with Fox & NBC and of course they listed the Burlington DMA in the list of 50 to get HD LiLs this year.

I've paid for Dish's top programming and best hardware for years now and frankly I'm tired of Dish lies and feel very little remorse about doing a "move" if that's the only way to get around the stupid little closed door deals of Dish, the FCC, the NAB and Vermont's affiliate stations.

I've got 2 local stations (within 45 miles) and they've done a great job with going digital and providing stunning (better than anything on Dish) HD but they're NBC and PBS and most of what we like to watch is on Fox and ABC.

I'll be damned if I'm going through another season of "24". "House", "Lost", Pats, RedSox & Nascar (although I am getting some races in great HD from my local NBC until Nov) in SD.

Give me the details of doing this "move". What's the best way to pull it off with the least problems? Can it all be done with one call to a regular Dish csr? What if I ever need a receiver replaced?
Oh you poor thing. How terrible your life must be having to watch standard definition programming. *tear*

"Moving" ie changing your physical address to qualify for different local channels is a violation of the service agreement and is a violation of FCC rules. Dish very much wants to be able to sell anybody any channels they are willing to pay for. While I don't agree with the law in particular, I do get tired of people whining about something so trivial. Besides managment, probably the worst part about the job.
GFiRe said:
Oh you poor thing. How terrible your life must be having to watch standard definition programming. *tear*

"Moving" ie changing your physical address to qualify for different local channels is a violation of the service agreement and is a violation of FCC rules. Dish very much wants to be able to sell anybody any channels they are willing to pay for. While I don't agree with the law in particular, I do get tired of people whining about something so trivial. Besides managment, probably the worst part about the job.

AH, why are you in this thread then? Do you always go out of your way to make people feel better or is it just the natural spontaneity of your warm & fuzzy personality?
GFiRe said:
"Moving" ie changing your physical address to qualify for different local channels is a violation of the service agreement and is a violation of FCC rules... I do get tired of people whining about something so trivial.

Yes, like I get tired of people like YOU shaking your fingers at us "movers", because of some outdated rules that we are supposed to abide by & being dictated where we should be watching our network prog from. If YOU want to be satisfied with you choices, fine & bully for you - I'll continue to get my FOUR additional sets of networks & HD from NY, while my local affiliates diddle around trying to even get an HD up & running, with their constant network prog pre-emptions, and I guess I'll burn in hell doing it! :D :p

Sounds like the people who were teachers pet in school & snitched on other kids for talking in class - it just mushrooms from there... :rolleyes:
The phone number issue is a non issue. Have used my Florida phone number with my 2500 mile away "cabin" service address for years.

Any replacement equipment I've needed, I make super clear that it needs to be sent to my billing address. Again, never a problem.

The only problem would be if you wanted Dish service to come out and fix things. They will not come to your billing address for that. Or upgrading a reciever and Dish has to install it, like the did with the 622 leases at first.
Once again, the rules are governed by the FCC. People forging their address on their Dish accounts is forgery and falsification. If you don't like the DMA you live in you have the option to move or get waivers from your market area. Taking advantage of the Dish system by forging your address, puts Dish in hoc with the FCC and is a large part of the reason that there is a court case going on. So gee, if the "audit Nazis" and the FCC don't suit you, try (once again) writing your Senator/Congressman or contacting the FCC directly instead of blubbering on a messageboard about how the system is unfair. Unless you are willing to pick up the tab for any fines that Dish gets from the FCC specifically because of your account fradulence, do it the legal way or don't cry when you get audited and a change of address is forced on you. Blaming Dish for the way that DMA's are regulated and your blatant abuse of the system is like blaming the cop that pulls you over for speeding. And besides, if you have a problem with the programming in your DMA, what makes you think that complaining to Dish is the appropriate venue. If your small market is not in HD, it's because it's a small market and the only way to accelerate the process is through them.

angiodan said:
Any replacement equipment I've needed, I make super clear that it needs to be sent to my billing address. Again, never a problem.

And as for that, if people like you call in and get an agent with any lick of intelligence for replacement equipment and ask for it to be sent to a billing address in another state, you're getting audited. Because you've been lucky so far doesn't mean it's not coming.
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Some of you are fricken amazing - talk about bending the rules to suit you own agenda. Now, since you have taken us "movers" to task & since you just joined, please let me correct YOU about some of your points:

AskATech said:
If you don't like the DMA you live in you have the option to move or get waivers from your market area.

wrong - the last SHVERA changes do NOT allow waivers in LIL markets. If your market has LIL, you CANNOT get distants - PERIOD. The ONLY people that still have distants in these markets were grandfathered in before the law change.
And, since you seem to like yacking about laws, if E* is STILL trying to willingly add distants nets to new customers in LIL, then they are STILL breaking the law - of which I'm pretty certain they were still doing even AFTER the law was passed. THAT is the kind of reasons why they got sued!

Taking advantage of the Dish system by forging your address, puts Dish in hoc with the FCC and is a large part of the reason that there is a court case going on.

No, the reason for the "distant networks" court case (I assume this is the one you're talking about, since E* has so many :D ) is because E* KNOWINGLY sold distants within grade b areas, most of which were to NON-MOVERS. Most "movers" made it a point to move to either get an adjacent market (which requires NO waivers) or moved to areas that were well outside grade B areas.
Why do you think that it's E* that got sued and NOT D* - think about it! And I'll GURANTEE you D* has just as many "movers" as E* does.

So gee, if the "audit Nazis" and the FCC don't suit you

What DOES the audit Nazis have ANYTHING to do with this - their ONLY concern is with account stacking/no phone lines. They could care less WHERE you're at, as long as you have phone lines - the fact the phone lines are NOT necessarily in your area doesn't make ANY difference.

try (once again) writing your Senator/Congressman or contacting the FCC directly instead of blubbering on a messageboard about how the system is unfair.

Yea, I'm sure THAT will change the whole DMA/local TV makeup in a BIG hurry. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Unless you are willing to pick up the tab for any fines that Dish gets from the FCC specifically because of your account fradulence,

OK, since you seem to know it all, just now many times HAS E* (or D* for that matter) been fined for a "mover" NOT being at the addy on their account?

And besides, if you have a problem with the programming in your DMA, what makes you think that complaining to Dish is the appropriate venue.

I don't think anyone is complaining to DISH about local prog, duh :rolleyes: :confused:

If your small market is not in HD, it's because it's a small market and the only way to accelerate the process is through them.

REALLY - & HOW should we go about doing this? Maybe if we all call up our stations & say "please, pretty please with sugar on it, get an HD signal up", why I bet they'll just have it up & running tomorrow - why didn't the rest of us think of this? :confused: :rolleyes:

And as for that, if people like you call in and get an agent with any lick of intelligence for replacement equipment and ask for it to be sent to a billing address in another state, you're getting audited.

Oh yea, because most of these agents making $5 an hour REALLY give a rat's heiny about different billing/physical addys on someone's account.

Because you've been lucky so far doesn't mean it's not coming.

Oooo, sounds SO ominous - you should be writing horror stories. :D

Oh BTW, if you go over to, they should welcome you with open arms - many over there eat this stuff up & will probably actually believe you. :D
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dishrich said:
REALLY - & HOW should we go about doing this? Maybe if we all call up our stations & say "please, pretty please with sugar on it, get an HD signal up", why I bet they'll just have it up & running tomorrow - why didn't the rest of us think of this? :confused: :rolleyes:

OMFG!!! :D

You soooooooooo owe me a glass of Mt Dew!!! I just about spilled the whole damn thing due to laughing so hard. That has got to be the funniest reply I've read all night!! :clap
"Moving" ie changing your physical address to qualify for different local channels is a violation of the service agreement and is a violation of FCC rules.

**On the other hand, one could speculate that DISH is aware of the fact that many of they're customers are using the "moving " option to get the programming they want. It's something that would be difficult to prove and might be more trouble than it's worth to enforce - so they turn a blind eye. If they truly wanted to attempt to eliminate this practice they could implement a rule stating that your "billing address" is REQUIRED to be the same as your "service address".
Sure they do. See 17 USC 119(a)(4)(F) - Even with LIL, you local station can allow you to receive distant network signals. They don't have to but they may.

dishrich said:
wrong - the last SHVERA changes do NOT allow waivers in LIL markets. If your market has LIL, you CANNOT get distants - PERIOD. The ONLY people that still have distants in these markets were grandfathered in before the law change.
And, since you seem to like yacking about laws, if E* is STILL trying to willingly add distants nets to new customers in LIL, then they are STILL breaking the law - of which I'm pretty certain they were still doing even AFTER the law was passed. THAT is the kind of reasons why they got sued!
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