Shifted chroma artifact, anyone else see it?


Original poster
May 30, 2004
Does anyone else notice what could pass for a convergence problem on dish programs, except that it isn't a convergence problem? It's something in the source material. I see it on almost all of the channels.

It sometimes looks as if the entire chroma channel is shifted to the right, I often notice it on faces. If you look at the sample I attached, you'll see on the left (your left) side of his face, the black of his jacket is shifted over into his face. Mostly I notice in on red.

This is from a Dish 921, do people see it on other receivers?


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korsjs said:
can you go into microsoft paint and circle what you want us to look at and then upload it again?

No, but here is the area of interest. It may not be easy to see on a computer screen, but it's a huge defect when viewed on my HT system. If you look at the edge of his face, it looks like razor stubble where it borders the black vest, it's the chroma (or lack therof, in this case) being delayed over into the face. I know about the chroma undersampling, but this seems rather extreme, I wonder if it could be an effect of a bad statmux.

It would be trivial to capture some more examples, but I'm mostly interested in if other people see in on their systems, ie, not a 921. It jumps out at me all the time, usually as colored fringes around peoples faces, but it's visible on many objects.


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I see this more often that I would like on my 811. Typicall, like in your picture, a face against a very dark background. Sometimes I see a very subtle blue line between the face and the background.

Also, if there is a very bright colored light in a dark background, I'll see it shifted onto other areas of the screen. Example, a bright neon blue or red sign in a darkly lit bar will sometimes bleed it's color across the surrounding areas.

I know it's not a convergence problem with my TV, and I never see it on DVDs... just with the 811.
snathanb said:
I see this more often that I would like on my 811. Typicall, like in your picture, a face against a very dark background. Sometimes I see a very subtle blue line between the face and the background.

Also, if there is a very bright colored light in a dark background, I'll see it shifted onto other areas of the screen. Example, a bright neon blue or red sign in a darkly lit bar will sometimes bleed it's color across the surrounding areas.

I know it's not a convergence problem with my TV, and I never see it on DVDs... just with the 811.

Ditto to all of the above. I also see it on the the title sequences to "Strange" which has a red background with black letters, except the red backgroud gets shifted into letters, and on Night Gallery which has some red frames which the colors don't align with. Most annoying are the ones on the heads tho, and I do occasionally see the effect with blue as well.
Here's a good example. This is about 1/3 of the frame, I trimmed it since it's such a large file.

The orange juice is blue along it's leading edge, and the orange carries over into the tablecloth and also colors the spoon orange for a segment near the glass. If you could simply shift the blob of orange over, it would match up with the orange juice, but you can see it doesn't.


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For what its worth, I have been experiencing the same problem with my 6000. In fact, I had it replaced for another one, and the new one had the same problem. I complained to dish, and I got the "You’re the first to complain about this…we'll let our tech guys know about it and hopefully we’ll have a solution within a couple weeks”.

I wont hold my breath.

I got my dish 1000

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