Showtime half-price

Sean Jones

Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Dec 21, 2011
Minnesota, United States
Saw an ad (or should say heard) on Comedy Central for Showtime for half price. I didn't hear the full ad. Went on Dish chat to ask what the promo length is and was told they don't have that promotion. When I said that I just saw an ad for it I was told was it hasn't started yet. When I asked when does it start I was told they can send a notice to my account.

So does anybody know anything about this promotion? You would think if they have it advertised that the csr would at least know when it started...
i have showtime and hbo for half price for 6 months. started it last week for game of thrones, true blood, and the borgias. i just called and asked for it. got it no problem
You'll be fossil fuel before dish sends you a message about programming to your account....... :coffee
You should check with the Dish internet response team (Dirt) they are listed in red in the member list at bottom of the forum.Just Pm one of them,they are much more helpful than call in or chat reps.
Just got off the phone with them. They said I could get the offer and had no idea why the chat guy wouldn't let me. Isn't it sad that all these people aren't on the same page.
I can't understand why members of satguys don't contact Dirt first.They have a great reputation of getting customers taken care of first try.With phone or chat its hit or miss and mostly miss.
Of some interest, but if I went for it, I might lose my grandfathered no locals.

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