Does this new Report and Order, 10-193, from the FCC found here ->
Do any thing for getting SV moving on DirecTV and DishNetwork in the US????
Before the
Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D.C. 20554
In the Matter of
Implementation of Section 203 of the Satellite Television Extension and Localism Act of 2010 (STELA)
Amendments to Section 340 of the Communications Act
Implementation of the Satellite Home Viewer Extension and Reauthorization Act of 2004 (SHVERA)
Implementation of Section 340 of the Communications Act
MB Docket No. 10-148
MB Docket No. 05-49
Adopted: November 22, 2010 Released: November 23, 2010
By the Commission:
Table of Contents
Heading Paragraph #
I. Introduction 1
II. Background 4
III. Discussion 9
A. The STELA Directs the Commission to Create a Workable Framework That Will Enable Satellite Carriers to Offer Both the SV and Local Stations to Consumers 12
B. The STELA Eliminates the Requirement to Receive A Local Station Affiliated with the Same Network as the SV Station and Requires Instead that Subscribers Receive Local-Into-Local Service 16
C. The STELA Eliminates the “Equivalent or Entire Bandwidth” Requirement and Replaces it with an “HD Format” Requirement 24
1. “HD format” requirement applies only where a satellite carrier retransmits the SV station in HD format 28
2. “HD format” requirement applies when a local station makes itself technically and legally “available” to satellite carrier 31
3. “HD format” requirement applies to a local station’s HD multicast signal 41
D. Statutory Exceptions to the Subscriber Eligibility Limitations 45
E. Dish Petition for Further Rulemaking 48
F. Housecleaning Rule Changes 49
G. Order on Reconsideration Dismisses Pending Petition as Moot 52
IV. Conclusion 55
V. Procedural Matters 56
A. Final Regulatory Flexibility Act Analysis 56
B. Final Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 Analysis 57
C. Congressional Review Act 58
D. Additional Information 59
VI. Ordering Clauses 60
APPENDIX A – List of Commenters
APPENDIX B – Final Rule Changes
APPENDIX C – Final Regulatory Flexibility Act Analysis