Slingplayer for TV (is there a better thing than SlingCatcher)


New Member
Original poster
Oct 19, 2011

I've been trying to post a topic but it says that my post is denied (too much URL, there's not one URL in my post...). So instead I post this message to get some help ? :p

I've tried everything to post my original message, but I didn't success...
So here is a screenshot of my message (crazy to have to do that hahaha)


  • sling.png
    21.6 KB · Views: 224
The Sling devices marketed by DISH Network are for serving content. DISH does not currently offer a "player".
Thank you for your answer.
I'm not actually searching for a DISH product only but more searching for a global solution to get a stream (sent by s DISH product or regular Slingbox) on a TV :)

The URL problem -- probably something in the conversion to english, if not typed by hand, might be getting in and interfering with your original attempt to post. Usually when that happens, you can just paste your text into NotePad or any strictly speaking TEXT editor and then re-select all, re-copy, and *then* paste into the editor interface here at SatGuys.

As to "SlingCatcher" .. that's a SlingBox technology ... which one would have presumed they would have ported to Sling Adapter use quite easily ... however here we are 8 (?) months from Scott's having seen the box at one of the trades? And that's what.. more than 2 years after the initial concept/announcement?

insert Prince Humperdink saying "Soon my dulcet darling" ... all the while knowing he plans to kill us after the "party". As too, Dish, which leads with the marketing department and back-fills the spiel with 'tech failures', not of the works/doesn't dichotomy, but anything along the lines of too little, too late, too difficult to implement, .. etc ..

Are there better concepts out there? sure.. a HTPC - "Home Theater PC", something that potentially runs windows or Mac as an 'aside', so that you can install the web sling players, and be able to full-screen the playback, they do pretty well if you have the bandwidth and processing power to handle it. (I say as an "aside" because many of the HTPC boxes run some linux/*nix variant but could also run windows, and you'd just reboot to switch between OS's.. etc..)

** And the EDIT ** since I had started this before you pasted a picture of your text ...

Along the HTPC lines ... you would then use http://Watch.SlingBox.Com with a web app running on the HTPC to display on your big screen. If you still have pixelation, and you are running in "better" mode of the web app, then your pixelation may be from the speeds of your connection.
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The URL problem -- probably something in the conversion to english, if not typed by hand, might be getting in and interfering with your original attempt to post. Usually when that happens, you can just paste your text into NotePad or any strictly speaking TEXT editor and then re-select all, re-copy, and *then* paste into the editor interface here at SatGuys.

The thing is, I wrote my message directly, no translation or anything :/ But that's not important since I figured out a solution with the screenshot haha

Are there better concepts out there? sure.. a HTPC - "Home Theater PC", something that potentially runs windows or Mac as an 'aside', so that you can install the web sling players, and be able to full-screen the playback, they do pretty well if you have the bandwidth and processing power to handle it. (I say as an "aside" because many of the HTPC boxes run some linux/*nix variant but could also run windows, and you'd just reboot to switch between OS's.. etc..)

** And the EDIT ** since I had started this before you pasted a picture of your text ...

Along the HTPC lines ... you would then use http://Watch.SlingBox.Com with a web app running on the HTPC to display on your big screen. If you still have pixelation, and you are running in "better" mode of the web app, then your pixelation may be from the speeds of your connection.

Thanks for that tip! I never heard about HTPC, I'm gonna check this out.
About the online player, I don't have problem with it, the quality is great, no pixelation, a bitrate between 3500-4000.
The only problem I have is with the slingcatcher, I'm gonna try to restore it with factory settings, the quality problem wasn't that bad at the beginning so... maybe it will help.

Thanks for your answer, really appreciate :)

How to Build a Powerful Home Theater PC for Less Than $500 - Popular Mechanics



And a lot of great info here
Chris Pirillo

just do a search (upper right side) for HTPC

Some will say its dead or the linux development is too hard, etc.. but the point of making a PC do all this, is because it can. Some of the builds are based upon how quiet they are, some are for 3d capability (which can be expensive), others are built to be minimal sized, etc.

I'd say build quiet, use regular desktop or mid-sized towers rather than a small form factor, because you get so many more options in a larger case and if using bluetooth and other wireless technology, you don't have to "see" the box that much, just need to be able to reach the CD tray, and even there, you might run a USB CD/DVD Drive so that you could place the drive up in a visible area, while the pc sits behind the entertainment center in your home.

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