So when did KBS World (9850) become KBS World Espanol


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Original poster
Jun 7, 2004
Berkshire, MA
Turned on KBS world to watch Glory Jane only to find that it is no longer the English version, but has been replaced with KBS World espanol. When did that happen or is it just a fluke?
There has been no change to KBS World. KBS World, a Korean-language channel with English subtitles, is a general entertainment channel which is the oldest and most popular broadcasting station in Korea. Programming includes the most watched news, sitcoms, dramas, documentaries and current affair programs. I tried to access what was broadcasting earlier but I was not able.
I have never quite figured out when a show will be in English or not. But they generally have English subtitles if not.

Phantom Channel Changer....

Strange recording issue.

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