Stupid 811 question - reboot without unplug?


Pub Member / UConnaholic
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Nov 23, 2003
Monroe, CT
Man, do I HATE hardwired power cords. :aargh:

Anyone know of a front panel (or better yet remote!) method to reboot?
Try pressing and holding the power-on button on the front panel for a few seconds. This is the method for the PVR's. I can't speak for certain for the 811. Good Luck
Yes, I had to do this last night, but I held it down for a while, power light didn't go off until about 5 seconds after I let go. Then when it came back up, the sound was messed up (using analog). I then unplugged it and when it came back up it was okay.
Yeah I had to do that the other night and found that unlike the DVRs you have to let go of the button before it starts the reboot process. So hold for 5 secs, let go for 5 secs. As with any computer system, a soft reset may not completely work and a hard reset may be required (unplug).

I guess it depends on when/why you do it. The button must need a software response of some kind, so if the box is hung, well... :)
Try pulling the Smart card out , wait 10 seconds and re-insert it........opps for a minute there I thought I was a E* CSR, sorry.
peid said:
There is no smart card on the new E* systems.

Atleast not on my 2 weeks old 311's and 811.

Hemway was being funny, Peid. Everyone knows that the 811s don't have smart cards, that is, except about half of the CSRs.
I had audio problems when I first got my 811 and called E*. The CSR told me to hold the Power button on the front panel for 12 seconds, this is the hard reset for the 811. He said the time is less for other receivers, and he gave me a summary of why it was but it has been a few weeks ago and I can't remember the reasoning behind the 12 second duration.

I've since had to do it twice, and each time I have thought about calling E* just to let them know there is so kind of issue going on. I haven't seen this problem since the 263 software, but maybe I'm lucky!
Bobby said:
Hemway was being funny, Peid. Everyone knows that the 811s don't have smart cards, that is, except about half of the CSRs.

Sorry, my mistake.

Although there is a spot for them, what are they good for?
Best way I find to reset a receiver is to turn off the surge protector. (You are plugging into a surge protecter?). I find this is the easiest because it is just a toggle switch.

Question about new install - 1st Post

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