super dish 105 to 121 please help !!


Original poster
Sep 19, 2004
I got a 105 superdish, i have already dish 500 with dp34 for the 119 and 110, can i just connect another cable to super dish and point at 121 and connect to dp34. if i stand in front of the dish which is the 121/105 connection?,

any order the wires go into the switch?

have a blessed day,

The LNBF order is different on a 121 verses 105. I can email you the entire SuperDish install manual if you wish to see the diagrams...I warn you though it is almost a 10MB pdf file.

Yes you can. just connect the wire from the "105" lnb (that will be the one that is centered on the dish) to input 3 on the dp34.
Standing in front of the dish the order is 105,110, 119 (you can remover the 110 & 119 lnb since you wont be using them.)
Here are diagrams...



OK I skimmed to fast, you did say you were not going to use the 110 and 119, that you have a seperate D500...Yes you can aim the 105 LNBF at 121...Remember to peak 121 using TP's 15, 16, 20, or 21...I'll leave the diagrams up for reference...

The KU-Fss LNB (105/121) is the one that appears to be directly attached to the arm (it lines up with the arm pointing at the center of the dish). The Ku-DBS LNBs (119/110) are in the middle and out at the end of the LNB bar. The Ku-FSS is probably the only one with a single connection.
You guys are amazing, thank you very much for all the help, will try out and post today.

Have a Blessed Day,

Kind regards
How do i go about doing this setup,

first install 119 on superdish check switch to download the superdish software, then connect to 121 .....??

is there a installation guide for download?

Should i set my superdish skew and elevation to 121 requirements, I do not have the manual can you please post what is the skew and elevation for zip code 48331.
hdayanan said:
How do i go about doing this setup,

first install 119 on superdish check switch to download the superdish software, then connect to 121 .....??

is there a installation guide for download?

Should i set my superdish skew and elevation to 121 requirements, I do not have the manual can you please post what is the skew and elevation for zip code 48331.
Dan set your Azimuth to 235, Elevation to 28, and your Skew to 123.

If you have a broadband internet connection I can email you the SuperDish install manual, For your personal reference, just be warned that it is almost 10MB pdf file and I cannot send it via Hotmail or yahoo...etc.

hdayanan said:

please mail it to xxxxxxxxxx

Check your email, should be on it's way. Dan I removed your company email addy for your own security. Only the admin's can see it if need now.

Since you are using Dish500 for 119/110 it is best if you get that working first. Get 119/110 on your switch DP34 and get your receiver working with a switch test and make sure it has the latest software. Then connect the single LNB on your SuperDish to the receiver without the switch and put the receiver on signal strength test. Line up the dish according to your zip code for SD121 (even though you are using a SD105 use the SD121 numbers).

The key to aligning the superdish is to only move the dish a very tiny amount each time and wait a few seconds to see if you have signal. Lock in the skew and elevation first using the markings on the dish. Then slowly nudge the dish side to side until you see a twitch on the meter. Just barely nudge the dish back and forth until you get the best signal possible. Then mark it with a sharpie pen just in case you tighten the bolts and knock it out.
it looks like I have to mount my superdish on a pole or something, on the roof it gets blocked. the dia I think is 2 3/8 where can i buy a pipe of this spec? and also any suggestions on how deep to bury, any tips will be appreciated. I got the dish 500 119,110 working..

JASON, I did not get the manual in my mail...

Re : Installlation Manual For Super Dish 121

Jason I am in the process of obatining a super dish and I am going to install it my self and I was woundering if I can obtain a Copy of the installation manual for the Dish Network Super DIsh 121 & dp 3-4 my screen name on AOL IM is cldcomputersvcs fi you can up load it to me thier I would greately appreicate it very much thanks again chris TIA
121 installation problem

I need help in installing superdish 121. Somehow I could not seem to lineup 121.
I have great quality for both 110 and 119 perfect. I am in the New york area. My skew is 129. Please help I am new to this.

hi guys....
Can any one help me in installing a super dish 500... i need an installation guide for that..
if u guys have that can you please share it to me.

There is a Technical sub-forum here that would be better for your question.
May I recommend you start a new thread there with your question, and other info.

- Zip Code (to get pointing info)
- Dish type: Dish 500, SuperDish 105 or 121, Dish 1000, Dish 1000.2, Dish Plus (either as a 500+ or 1000+).
- Type of LNBF - if known
- Type of Switch - if any/known
- Type of Receiver(s)

There is no Superdish 500.


PS Using the search is appreciated by many.

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