SuperDish DHP Customer Question


Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
Sep 29, 2003
Does anyone know if the free SuperDish promotion will be offered to the DHP Customers?

When the 6000u offer was originally NOT offered to the DHP customers, I yelled/kicked/screamed and finally was offered to be let out of the DHP program if I bought my own equipment (I'm only 6 months into my 12 month contract). Right after this, though, I got a call offering the 6000u at $199. Of course, I took them up on this deal.

I, at the moment, still remain in the DHP program.

If the SuperDish promotion DOESN'T include DHP customers, I'm going to try and get them to honor their original deal to let me out of DHP.

But, if the SuperDish promotion will be offered to DHP customers, I won't cause a stink & just wait until my contract is up in April.
They are offering a "Free" upgrade for Superdish for existing customers. It locks you into a one year programming purchase of at least Top 50 and the HD package ($9.95) plus enroll in credit card autopay. Or if you want you can pay $24.95 and not do credit card autopay.
guest said:
They are offering a "Free" upgrade for Superdish for existing customers.

I have found that "existing customers" does not necessarily mean DHP customers. Do you know if this promotion will indeed be offered to DHP customers?
Sorry...above "guest" post was me (original submitter of question). Forgot to login.

just called dish network

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