Superdish Pole SIze?


SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Apr 25, 2004
Rochester, NY
Since my installer could not get my Superdish up and running in the six hours that the 2 guys were here, I had them leave the dish and I finally got around to installing it, it is temporarily installed to a tree, I am planning on getting a 12ft pole and sinking that into the ground, I just want to double check on what the OD of the pole should be? The installer original had it on a pole that was to small, so he made up the difference with some cardboard, the reason for the 12ft pole is because I have some trees that I need to clear.
prowler said:
super poles are 2 inch od.......muffler shops have it
I'd have my doubts that ordinary exhaust pipe is gonna be anywhere near heavy enough to support a SuperDish 12 feet off the ground. 3-4 feet maybe, but not 12.

In fact, I'll go so far as to say the pipe would crimp and fall over in the first strong breeze.
they actually have 2 grades of pipe, get the heaier grade but at that height I would use guy wire to support it,they can be pretty sensitive
The Type 2 SuperDish is plastic and a 2 3/8" pole is needed. The Type 1 SuperDish is metal and is lighter requiring a 2" pole. I had just bought a bunch of 2 3/8" poles not long ago when the distributor was sending me the plastic dishes but then they started shipping me the 2" dishes and I have no 2" poles, but a bunch of the other ones and the 2" poles are a bit harder to find. This really ticks me off and does not help with getting supplies to install them. It was hard enough to get the 2 3/8" poles cheap enough. I guess there will be more people needing some sort of adaptor to convert 2 3/8" to 2"
all I have seen so far is the metal dishes, but when I get in a pinch I have been known to take the mast and cut it down to about a foot long or so then split it with a porta band and make up pole adapters for the larger poles,gazer you remeber the primestar to directtv conversions,they had the little split pipe adapters? same system,larger scale
as an after thought, I got desperate awhile back and found that you can put a super(metal) on a 2 3/8 pole if you remove the stove bolts from the head, spread it onto pole then tap it down, replace with longer stove bolts, then assemble dish on pole, it wont work if the reflector is already attached,to difficult to spread flange over pole
I like overkill: Get 16' of 4" well casing, sink it 4-1/2' in the ground, fill it with concrete and afix the 2" pipe inside, leaving 6" exposed on the top for the SuperDish mount. :D
Foxbat said:
I like overkill: Get 16' of 4" well casing, sink it 4-1/2' in the ground, fill it with concrete and afix the 2" pipe inside, leaving 6" exposed on the top for the SuperDish mount. :D
Don't forget an anti-rotation pin on the insert!

I did that once on a BUD install (fortunately it was for myself). :no :no
Yes, I remember those, and that was what I was thinking about doing, making some adapters that way. How do you keep the adaptor held to the pole? I know that the PrimeStar pole adapters had a bolt shape cut out of the adapter and the bolt went into place. Do you drill a hole out of the pole and the adapter made out of the mount and place a few bolts through them?
yip, drill your holes double nut around it and lock it in,if your concerned you can throw 1 or 2 self tappers in to boot
Thanks for the input guys, I thought it was 2" just wasn't positive. I am going to go this week to gt some heavy walled 1/4" or so thick water pipe, I figure the pipe will be sunk 3 ft or so in the ground, this will make adjustments alot easier than where my 500 is now.
I've got a Type 1 Superdish. I've got everything I need except the pole, which as you all know needs to be 2" OD. I have been calling around and have only been able to find a 1 7/8 (1.875) so far. Think that's close enough? For those that have already installed, will I be able to get it tight enough, or will I need to put something else around the pole to make up the difference? :confused:
nhs510 said:
I've got a Type 1 Superdish. I've got everything I need except the pole, which as you all know needs to be 2" OD. I have been calling around and have only been able to find a 1 7/8 (1.875) so far. Think that's close enough? For those that have already installed, will I be able to get it tight enough, or will I need to put something else around the pole to make up the difference? :confused:

Like was mentioned earlier, a heavy duty 2" exhaust pipe is the right siez. A 7' length is plenty. Sink it 3 - 4 feet deep and there you go.

Considering the move from Dish Network to Cable...


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