Swap out 301 with 508?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Nov 24, 2003
I got free dish and I was wondering if I bought a 508 (from the Dishstore of course :) if I could swap it out with the 301 I got with the plan. I know I have to probally have two active receivers for a year since that's what I signed up for but was wondering if I could just swap out the 301 since I don't need it right now and use the 508 with my 811. Is this possible or would I have to just activate the 508 and keep the other two recievers?
If you deactivate the 301 receiver and got those from a local retailer with a promotion then the retailer would probably end up receiving a chargeback on that particular receiver, and if you did that on the first receiver he may receive an entire chargeback, and then the retailer may come after you particularly if you signed a contract through that retailer, so I would just add it as an additional receiver until you had your Dish Network system for 8 months (12 months if you signed up Feb.1 2004 or later).
Stargazer said:
If you deactivate the 301 receiver and got those from a local retailer with a promotion then the retailer would probably end up receiving a chargeback on that particular receiver, and if you did that on the first receiver he may receive an entire chargeback, and then the retailer may come after you particularly if you signed a contract through that retailer, so I would just add it as an additional receiver until you had your Dish Network system for 8 months (12 months if you signed up Feb.1 2004 or later).

Ok thanks!
Actually DISH will charge the customer for default on his contract if you deactivate the 301 before the 1 yr. Free Dish contract is up. Even if you add another receiver to the account you are under a contract to keep those 2 receivers active for 1 yr. It is only $5 per month, so put the 301 in the closet add and enjoy the 508 at the end of the 1 yr. contract deactivate the 301 and save the $5.
Once I was out of my contract, I gave my 301 (which was replaced with a 508) to my in-laws with a Club Dish card... getting my $5 back now.
If you went through Dishnetwork Directly, they will not charge a default fee if you swap out the 301. At this point they are only concerned that you are a paying customer :)

The problem with the local retailers is that the receiver is tied to their commissions. When the receiver is deactivated, there goes their commissions.

Best thing to do is add it as an additional box to get yourself up and running right now, and then when you find out whats going on, then deactivate the other receiver later.

Poll: How long until Viacom/Dish settle?

4th Receiver needed

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