

SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jan 4, 2006
i live in central wis..could i change my service adress to somewhere near milwaukee would i get the locals from there or are they in some type of spotbeam
Here's a link that is showing standard definition locals for Milwaukee, WI are on the 110 sat, TP4, and Spotbeam 18, for Channels 7070 - 7077: http://ekb.dbstalk.com/110list.htm

Here is a link with other links on spotbeams: http://www.dbstalk.com/ekb/satmaps.htm
Here is a link with detailed spotbeams: http://www.dbstalk.com/ekb/E10spots/e10spots.pdf
Spotbeam 18 has: Milwaukee, WI & Traverse City, MI
Spotbeam 23 has: Madison; La Crosse - Eau Claire, WI; Cedar Rapids, IA; & Green Bay, WI

Then try these:
- (1) Transponder 4 Spotbeams: http://www.dbstalk.com/ekb/E10spots/e10t04.pdf
- (2) Transponder 23 Spotbeams: http://www.dbstalk.com/ekb/E10spots/e10t23.pdf

NOTE: Transponders and Spotbeams are not the same. A single spotbeam goes to one geographic area, but it can transmit more than one transponder at a time. Likewise, a transponder can transmit on more than one spotbeam at a time.

Good luck.
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