Switches and SuperDish?

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I know I will need a SuperDish, but I also will probably need to get my switches updated, and here I need some recommendations.

I have a 6000 (already getting the new programming, it's excellent), and also two PVR 508s.

I am currently running the two PVRs from a Dish500, with two SW-21 switches. But nothing from that dish is going to the 6000. Since all I wanted a (non-PVR) 6000 for was HD, I installed a separate 300 dish and switch, pointing at 61.5.

Everything was groovetastic until the new HD package came along. Now I have re-aimed baby dish (300) at 110, so I am getting the new stuff just fine (but not HBO-HD or SHO-HD or CBS-DT. Those are all still only on 61.5. I would go into the bogus information I got from a Dish CSR about this, but why bother...) I was planning on waiting for the SuperDish to be released to try to sort this out. But now I am confused.

So, can a SuperDish replace both the other dishes for my three receivers, and get all the birds I should be getting now? What switch ships with the SuperDish package? Since I don't think the 6000 supports DishPro, what is the best switch to get AT150 + locals to my PVRs and all the HD to the 6000?

sorry to be so longwinded. Any thoughts would be welcome!

Chris L
Austin, Texas
Hi Chris,

Welcome to SatelliteGuys! I hope you will consider registering and joining us here often. :D

From what I understand when you get your SuperDish installed they will provide all the switches and everything else you need to get running, all included in the install price (which can be FREE) :)

The Dish 6000 is psuedo Dishpro compatable with the 8PSK cartridge, and will work fine with the SuperDish.
Thanks for the good news Scott!

Excellent site... I just registered. Thanks for the info... I hope the twisting winds of DISH don't change your rosy forecast!

Chris L
Austin, Texas
Scott Greczkowski said:
Hi Chris,

Welcome to SatelliteGuys! I hope you will consider registering and joining us here often. :D

From what I understand when you get your SuperDish installed they will provide all the switches and everything else you need to get running, all included in the install price (which can be FREE) :)

The Dish 6000 is psuedo Dishpro compatable with the 8PSK cartridge, and will work fine with the SuperDish.

I have a question about the superdish installation & the switches.

I currently use a legacy Quad to 2 legacy & 1 DP receivers.

In additon to HD content, I have a local at 61.5.

I think that it would take a DP34 & 2 legacy adapters to get me on board with the super dish.

It is my understanding that the DP34 has only 3 "inputs" as opposed to the 4 inputs the DP44 WILL have.

How will the installer get 4 locations (110, 119, 105 & 61.5) from a switch (DP34) that has only 3 inputs?
I currently use a 64 switch and receive 61.5, 110, 119 and 148. I have locals on 148 so with SuperDish, I can probably drop 61.5 I cascade 148 and 61.5 with an SW21.
You guys will need to wait until the new DP+44 switch comes out next year if you can't live without your channels at 61.5.
Scott Greczkowski said:
You guys will need to wait until the new DP+44 switch comes out next year if you can't live without your channels at 61.5.

Thanks, Scott.

Thats what I expected. I'll take the HD over the locals.

Scott Greczkowski said:
Hi Chris,

Welcome to SatelliteGuys! I hope you will consider registering and joining us here often. :D

From what I understand when you get your SuperDish installed they will provide all the switches and everything else you need to get running, all included in the install price (which can be FREE) :)

The Dish 6000 is psuedo Dishpro compatable with the 8PSK cartridge, and will work fine with the SuperDish.

Scott I haven't found any Doc. anywhere that claims the 6000 with the 8PSK adapter is Dishpro compliant ? I've been looking on the Dish Retailer page and found haven't found any info. that the 6000 will not need a Legacy adapter?

quote from Dishes Dishpro F.A.Q.

What do you mean when you say a "legacy" receiver or "legacy" installation?
"Legacy" receivers are all of those released before the Dish301 receiver. These include: Models 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000, 2700, 2800, 3700, 3800, 3900, 4700, 4900 and DISHPlayer. "Legacy" receivers do not include DishPro Technology (they do not have the DishPro logo on the receiver) and do not have the physical components to become a DishPro receiver. To function in a DishPro installation, they need to be connected to a DishPro Adapter.
end quote
and looking at the Spec. sheet http://retailer.echostar.com/forms/ProductFactSheet/6000Front.pdf
it does say with the use of a legacy adapter the 6000 is Dishpro compliant
and since the Superdish is Dishpro I assumed we'll be needing a adapter
Bobby said:
Just as long as the CBS E-W feeds go to 105, everything's fine here...

Hmm, I'm begining to wonder if they will be moved over to 105. The other Wing HD signals have been moved to 105/110. DiscHD, HBO, SHO, Events, PPV. The only wing only HD channels are now the CBS and Demo feeds.

You might be SOL.
lapplegate said:
Scott Greczkowski said:
You guys will need to wait until the new DP+44 switch comes out next year if you can't live without your channels at 61.5.

Thanks, Scott.

Thats what I expected. I'll take the HD over the locals.


I would expect that most people that get the 105 for HDTV, are also going to be using an antenna for their locals OTA. Considering that the Wing satellites usually carry the "minor" locals, I doubt that it would be a hard choice.

I'm just wondering if E* is going to move all of the "wing" locals over to 105?
Is it true that the 6000 will work with Dish Pro equipment without a legacy adaptor? I've read conflicting information all over the place. I plugged a 6000 directly into my Dish Pro 500 antenna (no adaptor), and it seemed to work OK. Am I damaging any equipment by doing so?

lieng le said:
Is it true that the 6000 will work with Dish Pro equipment without a legacy adaptor? I've read conflicting information all over the place. I plugged a 6000 directly into my Dish Pro 500 antenna (no adaptor), and it seemed to work OK. Am I damaging any equipment by doing so?


next time, please dont resurrect old topics, start a new one :)

the Legacy receivers, which are 4 digit model numbers (1000, 3000, 4900, etc) normally do not work with DishPro unless you have an adapter. I know my 5000 needed one. You might be doing damage to it, due to the way the reeiver reads the voltage vs. what the LNBF is putting out.

There is something coming out called DPP (Dish Pro PLus), which will allow you to hook up a Legacy receiver to a DishProPlus setup.
The 6000 will only get half the transponders without a Dish Pro Adapter. It receives 950-1450 mhz and Dish Pro uses 950-2150mhz so anything delivered above 1450 can't be tuned.
6000 needs a DP Adapter, hands down. without it won't damage the rcvr as the rcvr sends the signal to the lnbf, but as boba said, you'll only get half the xponders.

ditto on the thread comment.
Iceberg said:
next time, please dont resurrect old topics, start a new one :)

According to one of the moderators, (will not mention name) he is correct in posting to this thread. I received a PM message from one of the Mods, and was told not to start new threads if a topic is already present. I posted after a week of inactivity.
korsjs said:
Iceberg said:
next time, please dont resurrect old topics, start a new one :)

According to one of the moderators, (will not mention name) he is correct in posting to this thread. I received a PM message from one of the Mods, and was told not to start new threads if a topic is already present. I posted after a week of inactivity.

a week...correct..use the current topic
This was resurrected after 9 months...that's why I said to start a new topic.
Iceberg said:
a week...correct..use the current topic
This was resurrected after 9 months...that's why I said to start a new topic.

I also believe the resurrected post is fine. All too often have I seen new threads started with forum members chastising the poster for not using the "Search" option.

In this case, the person resurrecting the post most likely used the "Search" feature and you pop off at him.

Personally, I'd like to see more members like this one, searching and working within threads that are already existing. I'd like to see all of the ball-busting over not searching vs. resurrecting old threads come to an end.

The poster did the right thing for the right reasons (searching for help). Aside from your posting/s, he has received helpful answers to his question.

Let's all play nice in Scott's sandbox! :D

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