Tailgater Signal Help


Original poster
Aug 29, 2014
i am currently at the coast of South Carolina. zip code 29566. i have a clear view of the southwestern sky. i even own a clinometer and looked up the AZ and Elevations for satellites 110,119,129. nothing is in the way. I am not getting signal on 1 of the 3 satellites. i usually use the tailgater in Charlotte,NC. do i need to change a setting when moving it 4 hours away?

am i missing something? does the tailgater need 61.5 to work as well?

thanks in advance.
You need to be aiming at the south west...make sure the unit is on level ground with no obstructions to the south west. The Level ground is the important factor... Also you may wish to try to reset the receiver once more after you level it off.
It should work there. It does not use Eastern Arc at all but it should still work where he is. I think the only part it doesn't work is in the Northeast.
The way it was explained to me, and I am not saying this is correct, is the further east you go, the harder it is to beat the curvature of the earth. The higher up, is that much more in the direction, and above the curvature. It is 22,500 miles from earth surface, however it is also about 300 miles west from the coastline on the equator in South America. Thus, raising it, gives you a better line of site then in the ground. Now, in my case, I'm in Arizona, I could put it on the ground, and I do not have as much curve on the earth surface(the earth is round if you had not guessed by now) so it is easier for me to see those sats.

Now as disputed as this may be, while I worked in the RV department(before they merged it with advanced tech support), I had dozens of customers with issues, complete this task, and voila, they have signal. So it is Tried and proven statistically, in my experience, along with a single run of 50' or less of RG6 coax cable, not connected to a wall plate or barrel connector.
I figured out my problem. My cable was too long(rookie mistake). If I needed to go longer than 50ft. Could I use a amplifier or a better quality cable? Would this help?

Thanks again
Even king controls suggests no longer then 50ft. It will tell you that, I beleive in the first few pages of the manual.