Thanks .... and for what its worth ...


Original poster
Apr 19, 2004
Thanks to John and Roland, I was able to get a 480I feed from my 811 into my
Sony KF-42WE610. With the 480I feed, I was then able to compare the signal processing performance of the Sony to that of the 811. After 15 minutes of switching between the 811 and the Sony, I, as well as two others, concluded that the 811 signal processor performs just as well as the Sony signal processor. So ....... from now on I will simply use the component outputs of the 811 for viewing non-HD content at 480P.

On mine, SD programming looks a lot better in 480p mode.

Like you, Gary, I use a JP1 remote and have an extender running on it. I can switch from 480p to 1080i *very* quickly. (1 key press, about 2.5 seconds total)
Ummmmmmm ...... I believe that's what I did Gary.

Originally, I had only component HD feed into the Sony, set at 1080I. A footnote in the 811 manual states that SD on this setup defaults to 480P.
Since the Sony signal processor only works with 480I, I had to add a composite feed from the 811 to the Sony.

I then compared the composite feed at 480I using the Sony signal processor to the 811 component feed using the 811 signal processor set at 1080I, but defaulting to 480P.

Am I making sense ?

Ken, unless you are going into the System Setup and changing the 811 back and forth between 1080i and 480p, the 811 is upconverting the SD programming to 1080i.
kwcash said:
A footnote in the 811 manual states that SD on this setup defaults to 480P.
This just means that out-of-the-box, the 811 sends 480p. The manual sez:
Dish HD Satellite System User's Guide said:
Note: The default resolution on both HDTV outputs is 480p until the receiver is authorized and subscribed to a qualifying programming package and the desired HDTV resolution has been selected.
As for watching Dish's SD through the 811's component outputs, it does as good a job as my Toshiba 34HF81 does through the S-Video. I leave the 811 on 1080i component full time (well, except when I want music without the CD Text, then I use an input with audio, but no video.)

DISH drops $4.99 duplication fee on DHA except 322/522

Moving to NJ for summers

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